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American High School US History: Understanding American Society

11th Grade Mr. Walsh

Classroom expectations. Please: y Respect others in the classroom. y Respect the teacher in the classroom. y Respect yourself in the classroom. y Be prepared for every lesson. y Be on time for every lesson. y Participate in classroom discussion. y Follow directions and instructions. y Always do your best. Daily classroom procedures: y When entering the classroom, please sit in your assigned seat and quiet down once the bell rings. y If an assignment is not turned in when it is due, it is considered late. Late work will be penalized, but partial credit will be awarded for assignments that are submitted a day late. y If extra help with content or requirements is desired, please ask the teacher in person or through e-mail. A one-on-one meeting will be set up to discuss options for assistance. y Tardies will be dealt with as is specified by American High School policy. y Plagiarism and cheating will be punished to the fullest extent of American High School policy. y If a student has a disability that is not being accommodated with the current classroom environment, please immediately talk to the teacher to establish necessary accommodation or lesson modification. Students who consistently and thoroughly meet classroom expectations will: y See their positive behavior reflected through exemplary grades. y Be given the benefit of the doubt if there is an occasional late assignment submitted. y Receive extra credit opportunities. Consequences for students who consistently fail to meet classroom expectations will: y Receive personal attention from the teacher in regards to their behavior. y Find that their participation grades will fall. y Be asked to leave the room during classroom activities. y Punished according to American High School policies.

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