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Ishan Wahi


Eid Due at the beginning of class -- Bencivenga: T 1/31 -- Paal: W 2/1

PAPER QUESTION: National Income and Product Accounting (NIPA) You are given the NIPA data below, for an economy. Compensation of employees Net interest Rental income Corporate profits Proprietors income Taxes on production and imports, etc. Depreciation Using these data, calculate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GDP GNP
= 200 + 10 -10 + 120 = 410 = 410 + 6 = 416

9 points

220 20 5 80 10 30 ?

Consumption expenditure Gross investment expenditure Government purchases Exports Imports Net taxes (taxes less transfer payments) Net factor income from abroad

200 100 120 50 60 100 6

national income = NNP = 220 + 20 + 5 + 80 + 10 + 30 = 365 depreciation private saving

= 416 - 365 = 51 = 416 - 200 - 100 = 116 = 100 - 120 = -20

government saving national saving trade balance

= 116 + (-20) = 96

50 - 60 = -10

current account balance 96 - 100 = -4

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