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2012 AAMC-GSA/OSR Regional Meeting Clearwater Beach, FL, March 28th April 21st, 2012


STUDENT PROGRAMMING SHOWCASE 4:456:00 PM Friday, March 30, 2012 POSTER SESSION 6:00 7:30 PM Saturday, March 31, 2012
Instructions for submission The student programming showcase may include presentations by medical students on innovative curriculum, original electives, extra-curricular programs, great mentoring or career counseling programs, new ideas for freshman orientation, etc. Five students will be selected to present their programs. Presenters (one presenter per program) may show a maximum of 5 PowerPoint slides and will have 5-8 minutes to speak. Showcase attendees will have the opportunity to sit down with student presenters for a round-table style question and answer session. Showcase presenters do not have to be OSR reps, all associated costs of attendance must be covered by the presenter or sponsoring school. Please complete the submission form by February 15, 2012. We will contact applicants by March 1st with acceptance status. E-mail the completed application to Anne Porter, and Please save the file in the following format: year_school Reem Nubani, name_program name_your last name.doc.

Name: Medical School: Student Contact Information: Name: Email: OSR Representative (if different than above) Contact Information: Name: Email: Program Director/Faculty Sponsor Contact Information: Name: Email: Are you interested in: (check any that apply) Student Programming Showcase: OSR-Poster Session:

2012 AAMC-GSA/OSR Regional Meeting Clearwater Beach, FL, March 28th April 21st, 2012

Program Description Please describe details of the program, including objectives, student/faculty/community involvement, funding, and impact of the program on your school and/or community. (max. 500 words)

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