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The Locarno Agreements win over the Ruhr Crisis.

The Locarno Agreements were a series of seven international agreements designated to encourage international cooperation to avoid war. All in an effort to reduce tensions throughout Europe developing over the Treaty of Versailles. With involvement from various countries they were able to pledge to a peaceful agreement and settlement of international disputes and set up rules by which the resolution of disputes was to be carried out. The agreement led to Gustav Stresmann calling off the occurring violence and carrying out what the Treaty of Versailles mandated. The Rhineland Security Compact is considered to be the most important treaty which called for a demilitarized zone in the Rhineland sector of Germany. Under this agreement, France and Germany, and Germany and Belgium, agreed not to invade each other or resort to war; allowing the use of force in self-defense. Germany also agreed to respect these rules regarding France, Poland, Belgium, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The agreements were a series or treaties that greatly impacted many due to the involvement of various countries showcasing that issues could be solved peacefully through diplomacy. The Ruhr Crisis was an enormous violent conflict which resulted with the German economy suffering from inflation when the German workers faced off against the French. The Ruhr Crisis did caused for higher tensions between European nations something that had been escalating previous to this event so tensions were not greatly affected although they were significantly; these tensions were then eased thanks to the Locarno Agreements. Word Count:253

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