Sience Experimetn Real One - Manish

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My science experiment


What I needed?
O 3 plants with only soil
O Seeds O Water, Salt water and Coke

What I did?
O First I chose what experiment I wanted to do.

I chose to do a experiment about plants. I wanted to find out which is the best and fastest liquid to make a plant grow.(My liquids: water, salt water and coke) I water my plant two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. (I watered it at different times every day)But I would only collect data twice a week.

Question, Hypotheses and Tools

O Question: Which liquid is the best and

fastest way to make a plant grow? O Hypotheses: The water will be the fastest and best way to grow the plant, the coke and salt water will not make the plant grow. O Tool: Chart (day chart)

My week chart..
The week (1)of the task. Thursday. (17/Oct/201 1) week 2. Monday (21st/Oct/20 11) week 2. Thursday (24th/Oct/20 11 Week 3. Monday (27th/Oct/20 11) Week 3. Thursday (30th/Oct/20 11 Last week (this week) Tuesday(15th/Nov/20 11)

I put the seeds for the plant. I put all the liquids for the plant. Nothing happening except the coke is making bubbles

The water plant started to grow a little bit. The other plants didn't grow.(yet)

The water plant is the tallest. The plant with salt didnt grow. The plant with coke is hardly growing. Water 4cm Salt X cm Coke 1cm

The water plant is the tallest and it becoming a big plant. The salt plant I think had died because it hadnt grow.(same with coke)

The water plant is the only plant left to grow and it is growing taller every 2 days.

The water plant is really tall and it had grown a lot since week one. The coke plant has some sort of white thing on the dirt. Water 6cm Salt X cm Coke 0.7

Water 5cm Salt X cm Coke 0.7cm

Beginning Middle End

O My hypotheses was right because, I said

that The water will be the fastest and best way to grow the plant And it was true because the water plant was the only plant which grew. The other 2 plants was dead because it didnt/hardly grow.

Thank you


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