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Ateneo de Zamboanga University SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT TOPIC: Dead Stars 3 Sessions by Paz Marquez Benitez

Main Campus, 2nd La Purisima St.,Semester AY 7000 Zamboanga City 2011-

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Derive needed information from the story. 2. Define unfamiliar terms used in the text. 3. Discuss their opinions about the action of the character. 4. Identify the parts of the story. 5. Foster respect through listening when member/s of the group is/are sharing his/her/their thoughts. SUBJECT MATTER: a. Learning Materials: Visual-aids, reading material, activity sheets and worksheets and story grid template b. Reference: The best Philippine shirt stories. (nd). Retrieved December 6, 2011 from, LEARNING EXPERIENCE (Learning Plan): I. PRELECTION The teacher prepares the class through some routines: Prayer Classroom Arrangement Attendance

The teacher will ask the students the following questions: Who among you here have been into a relationship? What difficulties have you encountered in the duration of the said relationship? Have you experienced break-up with the one you love? What cause your break-up?

Have you experienced break-up due to third party? How was the feeling? How did you go about the said incident? How did you solve the said conflict?

Based on the answers of the students, the teacher will now present the selection. Linking Statement: These are some of your experiences about love relationships as well as challenges and problems that you have encountered throughout the whole relationship. Today, we are to discuss or to read a selection about a romantic-tragic love story entitled Dead Stars. Lets see how their love progressed and how they go about the challenges they have had.

II. PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON The teacher introduces the essay to the class and gives a brief description of the author. The teacher will post the question: Why do you think is the story entitled Dead Stars?

III. ACTIVITY As an activity, the students will work in pairs. Each student will be asked to complete a story worksheet to be able to understand the story better. Also, students will be asked about the five main parts of the story Dead Stars (i.e. character, setting, plot, theme and moral). The students need to complete the provided worksheet to finish the activity (see attached worksheet).

IV. PROCESSING/DISCUSSION QUESTIONS A. Content The following questions will be asked in between discussions. What was the main problem presented in the story?

If you are in Alfredos shoes, would you do the same actions? Esperanzas? Julias? Why or Why not? Do you think there is real love happening between the characters? What brought about the main characters decision in the story?

B. Experience Did you have difficulty in figuring out the actions of the main character? Was it easy or hard for you to identify the main parts of the story? What concepts about the story did you have difficulty with? What concepts about the story did you find enjoyable? How did you feel about the things you have learned? How did you find the experience of sharing your experiences? Did you have difficulty in understanding the characters view? What were your reactions when you heard your classmates sharing about the romantic-tragic story?
C. Explore/Reflection If you were given a chance to be in the shoes of Alfredo, who would you choose, Esperanza or Julia? Why?

V. CLOSURE A. Evaluation As an evaluation for the whole topic, the students will be asked to do a simple character analysis of the two women (i.e. Julia and Esperanza) through a character comparison activity (see attached worksheet).
The students will be given ample time to finish the said activity which will be recorded. Also, this evaluation will help them identify if who really for them deserves Alfredo.

B. Recapitulation The teacher sums up everything by asking the students to say something about Dead Stars. The students responses will serve as a spring board for the teacher share some insights. The teacher will randomly ask the students about the things discussed in the class. The teacher will also ask the students to share their insights about the things that they have learned.

The teacher will also ask the students to raise any queries for them to be clarified.

C. Assignment The students will be asked to fill-out a story grid worksheet highlighting the salient point in the story (character, setting, problem and solution). The assignment will be collected next meeting and will serve as a clarification if there are some misconceptions with regards the parts of the story.

Pre pared by: Rowil H. Santinlo BSED-IV, English

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