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Partial Differential Equation

Let us assume that z will always represent a function of x and y. i.e., z = f(x,y) where x and y are two independent variables and z is a dependent variable.


If the number of constants to be eliminated is equal to the number of independent variables then the required Partial Differential Equation will be of First Order. If the number of constants to be eliminated is more than the number of independent variables then the required Partial Differential Equation will be of Second Order or higher order.

If the number of functions to be eliminated is one, then the required Partial Differential Equation will be of first order otherwise it will be of second order or higher order. Eliminating from ,

gives a Partial Differential Equation

To Solve f(p, q) = 0 Let z = ax + by + c be the solution. Then p = a, q = b, we get f(a,b)=0 Solving, we get

The Complete Integral is z

= ax +

y + c. There is no singular integral.

The complete integral of Partial Differential Equation of the type Z = px + qy + f(p, q) is z= ax + by + f(a,b) / Partial Differential Equation

To Solve f(z, p, q) = 0 Let z=f(x + ay) be the solution. Put u = x + ay, then z = f(u). , Solving

which is an ordinary differential equation, we get

the required solution.

To Solve f1(x, p) = f2(y, q) Let f1(x, p) = f2(y, q) = k p = F1(x, k) q = F2(y, k) Then

To Solve F(xmp, ynq) = 0 and F(z, xmp, ynq) = 0 If , ,

Xmp = (1 m)P Ynq = (1 n)Q, where Solution is F ( P, Q ) = 0 F (z, P, Q) = 0 , ,


put log x = X and log y = Y xp = P and yq = Q Solution is F ( P, Q ) = 0 F (z, P, Q) = 0 / Partial Differential Equation

Lagranges Linear Equation The standard form is Pp and z.

+ Qq = R

where P, Q and R are functions of x, y

The subsidiary equation is

Choose any three multiplier l, m, n such that , i.e., =0

Solving, we get u(x, y, z ) = c1

Similarly choose another set of three multipliers l/, m/, n/ such that
/ / / / / /

Solving, we get v(x, y, z ) = c2

The Solution is given by (u, v) = 0 / Partial Differential Equation


The general form of Linear Partial Differential Equation is ,

The Solution is z = Complementary Function (C.F) + Particular Integral (P.I)

To find Complementary Function (C.F) Auxillary Equation is This equation has n roots say , , ,..

Case (i) If the roots are real ( or imaginary) and different say then the C.F is Case (ii) If any two roots are equal say Case (ii) If any three roots are equal say the C.F is then then the C.F is .. , / Partial Differential Equation

To find Particular Integral ( P. I ) If F(x, y) = eax+by, then

Rule 1 . If , ,

, .

Rule 2 If F(x, y) = sin (mx+ny) or cos(mx+ny), then . ,


Replace D2 by m2, D/2 by n2 and DD/ by mn in , denominator is not equal to zero. If the denominator is zero, case (iv). Rule 3 If F(x, y) = xmyn then . ,

provided the then refer to


Expand Note 1 ,

by using Binomial theorem and then operate on xmyn.

means integrate f(x,y) with respect to x one time assuming y as a

constant. / , means integrate f(x, y) with respect to y one time assuming x as a constant. Note 2 In xmyn, if m < n, then try to write as


and if n < m, write / Partial Differential Equation

Rule 4 If F(x, y) is any other function, resolve / / .. , . Now, Note : If the denominator is zero in Rule 1 and Rule 2, then apply rule 4 to find Particular Integral.
/ /

into linear factors say / Partial Differential Equation

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