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ANA 227 Unit 1: Head and Neck Mnemonics Erector Spinae muscles (Lateral to medial) I Love Sex y y y Iliocostalis

Longissimus Spinalis

y y y

Sternomastoid Cricothyroid Glandular

Muscle attachments on hyoid bone (lateral to medial) Christ, He Didn t Screw Girls Much. That s Obvious, Stupid! Sentence 1 is superior attachments, sentence 2 is inferior attachments y y y y y y y y y Constrictor (middle Hyoglossus Digastric Stylohyoid Geniohyoid Mylohyoid Thyrohyoid Omohyoid Sternohyoid

Ansa cervicalis nerves GHost THought SOmeone STupid SHot Irene y y y y y y GenioHyoid ThyroiHyoid Superior Omohyoid SternoThyroid SternoHyoid Inferior omohyoid

External carotid artery branches Some Aggressive Lovers Find Odd Positions More Stimulating Some Anatomists Like Fucking, Others Prefer Manual Stimulation Some Angry Lady Figured Out PMS y y y y y y y y Superior thyroid a Ascending pharyngeal a Lingual a Facial a Occipital a Post auricular a Maxillary a Superficial temporal a

Cranial Sutures Learn Cranial Sutures y y y Lambdoid Coronal Sagittal

Bones of medial wall of the Orbit My Little Eye Sits (in the orbit) y y y y Maxilla (frontal process) Lacrimal Ethmoid Spenoid (body)

Superior thyroid artery branches May I Softly Squeeze Charlie s Girl? y y y Muscular Infrahyoid Superior laryngeal

Cranial bones PEST OF 6 (because there s 6 bones) 1. Parietal Page 1 of 4

ANA 227 Unit 1: Head and Neck Mnemonics 2. Ethmoid 3. Sphenoid 4. Temporal 5. Occipital 6. Frontal Old Pygmies From Thailand Eat Skulls Old People From Texas Eat Spiders y y y y y y Occipital Parietal Frontal Temporal Ethmoid Sphenoid

GLASS y y y y y Greater occipital/Greater auricular Lesser occipital Auriculotemporal Supratrochlear Supraorbital

Layers of the Scalp SCALP y y y y y Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis Loose areolar tissue Pericranium

Structures passing through the superior orbital fissure Lazy French Tarts Lie Naked In Anticipation Of Sex y y y y y y y y y Lacrimal n Frontal n Trochlear n Lateral n Nasociliary n Internal n Abducens n Opthalmic veins Sympathetic nerves

Cranial nerves Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel Very Good Velvet, A HA! Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel Very Good Vibes AHhhh I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Vagus Accessory Hypoglossal

Contents of Foramen Ovale OVALE y y y y y Otic ganglion V3 (mandibular nerve) Accessory meningeal artery Lesser petrosal nerve Emisary veins

Cranial nerves: Motor vs. Sensory Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Breasts Matter Most

Nerve supply to the Scalp Page 2 of 4

ANA 227 Unit 1: Head and Neck Mnemonics Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Business Makes Money In order from CN I-XII, where S= sensory, M=motor, B=both Where CN exit the skull Cleaners Only Spray Smelly Stuff Right On Smelly Idiots In Jumbles Junkyards Juggled High Carl Only Swims South. Silly Roger Only Swims In Infiniti Jacuzzis. Jane Just Hitchhikes. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Cribiform plate (olfactory) Optic canal (optic) Superior orbital fissure (occulomotor) Superior orbital fissure (trochlear) Superior orbital fissure (V1) foramen Rotundum (V2) foramen Ovale (V3) Superior orbital fissure (abducens) Internal acoustic meatus (facial) Internal acoustic meatus (vestibulocochlear) Jugular foramen (glossopharyngeal) Jugular foramen (vagus) Jugular foramen (accessory) Hypoglossal canal (hypoglossal)

y y y y

Ant digastric Muscles of Mastication Tensor veli palatine Tensor tympani

V3 Sensory branches Buccaneers Are Inferior Linguists y y y y Buccal Auricotemporal Inferior alveolar Lingual

Facial nerve branches (after stylomastoid foramen) To Zanzibar By Motor Car Ten Zebras Bought My Car y y y y y y Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Masseteric Cervical (Post auricular)

Lacrimal nerve s course Lacrimal s story of 8 L s Lacrimal nerve runs on Lateral wall of orbit, above Lateral rectus, Lets the communicating branch join in, then supplies the Lacrimal gland and Leaves it to supply the Lateral upper eye Lid. Lingual nerve course The Lingual nerve Took a curve Around the hypoglossus

Where divisions of CN V exit the skull Standing Room Only y y y Superior orbital fissure foramen Rotundum foramen Ovale

V3 innervates the muscles My Ass Meets The Toilet y Mylohyoid

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ANA 227 Unit 1: Head and Neck Mnemonics Well I ll be fucked Said Wharton s duct, the bastard s gone and crossed us! Maxillary artery s branches DAMn I AM Piss Drunk, But Stupid Drunk I Prefer. Must Phone Alcoholics Anonymous. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Deep auricular Ant tympanic Middle meningeal Inferior alveolar Accessory meningeal Masseteric Pterygoid Deep temporal Buccal Sphenopalatine Descending palatine Infraorbital Post sup alveolar Middle sup alveolar Pharyngeal Ant sup alveolar Artery of the pterygoid canal

Nasal cavity components Never Call Me Needle Nose y y y y y Nares (ext) Conchae Meatuses Nares (int) Nasopharynx

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