My Friends

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By: Seth Welker

Kyle Tucker

I met Kyle this year. We both go to Gray Stone. We met on August 15th. I remember that for one reason. August 15th was the first day of Freshman Prep. We have our first three classes together. They are World History, English 1, and Technology Skills. He is a big Alabama fan. Hes is a fan because his brother goes there. He also claims to be a UNC fan, but you never know.

David Singletary

David and I met in 6th grade. We both went to Park Ridge. Now, we are both going to Gray Stone. David and I were both on the shooting team our school had. We spent from January to the beginning of August together. Shooting take most of our time, but we enjoy it. David and I are neighbors. We live across the street from each other. We went to NASCAR Speed Park together. It was so much fun, and we had a great time.

Jackson Allen

I met Jackson in 6th grade. We both went to Park Ridge together. When I first met him, I thought he was a little weird and odd. Out of all of my friends, he has the best sense of humor. Sometimes he can be a little bit gross. Once you get to know him, he is not as bad. We were both on the shooting team at Park Ridge. Now, we both go to Gray Stone. Both of us hope to make the shooting team here. Jackson can be annoying sometimes, but all in all he is hilarious.

Boone McCauley

I met Boone in 6th grade at Park Ridge. David, Jackson, Boone and I were all in the same class. Boone is my accident prone friends. He always doing something and ends up getting hurt. Boone shot himself in the hand with a bow. He has drilled his hand. He stepped on a wasp nest and they stung his foot a lot. Boone was on the shooting team with David, Jackson, and I. Boone shot his hand while practicing for the team. All in all Boone can and will hurt himself doing anything.

Hunter Matthews

Hunter is my liberal friend. We always joke around with him because he is liberal. His beliefs are different than ours. Sometimes it gets annoying . People will carry it on for to long. I met Hunter in 6th grade. Like I said with other people, we were in the same class. Hunter is a good runner and is on the GS cross country team. Hunter is a vegetarian. We always mess with him and have meat and such.

Hunter Efird

Hunter Efird is a sophomore this year at Gray Stone. Hunter is the best shot I know. He has been state champion many times. He has shot multiple perfect scores in bow, skeet, and on the test/stepping. He was the 2010 and 2011 National Champion. Like everyone else, I met Hunter in 6th grade. We met each other, and became better friends from shooting. If I had to choose someone to go against in shooting, it would not be Hunter because he is so good. Hunter went to Park Ridge with me. Hunter was on the team, and he kept me going. I was not good, but he kept helping and convincing me I could do better. Because of him, I continued and am a somewhat-good shot now.

Ben Perry
Ben is a robot fanatic. He loves and is addicted to robots. His favorite color is blue. I mean FAVORITE. He ALWAYS wears something that is blue or has blue in it. Ben can be a little bit weird sometimes, but who isnt. He gets offended easily. I learned not to make him mad. If you get him mad, then he will flip out. He starts punching you and kicking. I dont know why he does this, but Ive gotten used to it. Ben was my first friend here. We met in the 6th grade.

Seena Koohestani

Seena is my Asian friend. He was born here. His parents are from Iran, so he is mostly Asian. We will joke around with him. Sometimes we will make remarks about his Asian self. He doesnt care. He will just laugh with us about it. Sometimes if he doesnt think it is funny, he make the face he is making in the picture--->. I met Seena with everyone else. We went to a small middle school and we were both in 6th grade.

Shannon Efird

Along with everyone else, I met Shannon in 6th grade. Shannon is a year younger than me, but she is just as big as all of us. Shannon is the best shotgun shooter I know. I would put her against Hunter Efird any day. They are both really good. Although, I think Shannon is better. I put a picture of Shannon shooting shotgun and Nationals this year. She shot an excellent round. I shot almost as good as her she hit 19 targets. I hit 18. Shannon is a good friend and encouraged me the whole round to keep up the good shooting.

Nathaniel Sandy

Nathaniel went to Park Ridge with all of us. Hes different though. I met him in 7th grade. He came to Park Ridge from South Stanly. Nathaniel knew about the shooting team at South. He never join though. When he got to Park Ridge, he decided he wanted to shoot. He started the shooting team that year. He was not good at all. You can ask him. He stuck with it and last year he got better. He started using a friends shotgun and became better. He made us work harder to keep our spots on the team. He got a little bit better and rifle and archery.

Patrick Stamey

Once again, I met Patrick in 6th grade. He is in the same class as Shannon. He is a year younger. Patrick was on the shooting team. He is good at shotgun half the time. He is not so good the other half. We shoot the same in rifle and our scores are close. In archery Im a slight bit better than him. In this picture, he was walking back from rifle at the County competition. His mother took the picture. Patrick and I are good friends we have hung out a lot together. Weve been to the beach together and had a great time. Id always hang out with Patrick when I was at Park Ridge. Patrick is just a good friend all-around.

Jonathon Whitley

I met Jonathon this year. We are both freshman at Gray Stone. We have our first three classes together. They are World History, English 1, and Tech Skills. We both like to go hunting. We met on August 15th. Like I said with Kyle, that was the first day of Freshman Prep. Because both of our last names start with a W, we are put in the same group as each other. I got to know him better on the second day of Freshman Prep. The second day, we were more acquainted with each other. By then, we were more comfortable to talk.

David Cowan

I met David this year. We are both freshman at Gray Stone. The way I met him is the same as the way I met Kyle and Jonathon. We met at Freshman Prep. Like I said with Kyle and Jonathon, it was August 15. He seemed like a cool guy so I started to talk and hangout with him. We didnt talk much on Monday. By Tuesday, we talked more and hung out more. David is in my English 1 class and Biology class. David, Jackson, and I though it would be cool to dress up as Marine snipers for Icon Day during Spirit Week. David is a cool guy and a good friend.


Friends are important to me. They help me out when I need it. They support me whenever. I try to do the same to them. I love having friends and I wont to keep the friends I have now for a long time. Ive met all of my friends at either Park Ridge or Gray Stone.


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