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COM @madincrafts

Everything old can be new again.

Mad in Crafts is a blog that teaches readers how to combine classic style with modern trends in decorating, diy, cooking, writing, and more!

MEET JESSICA HILL I'm Jessica Hill, the slightly unbalanced blogger of Mad in Crafts. I used to spend my days teaching Shakespeare and Longfellow to high school students; now I am a stay-at-home wife, mommy of two little munchkins, and caretaker of one stinky basset hound. On Mad in Crafts, I exercise my creativity by writing craft tutorials and exorcise my inner school marm through my Mad Writing Skills series. This series tackles writing issues faced by bloggers, espcially craft bloggers, and suggests specific, practical strategies for dealing with those challenges. As editor of Decor Hacks, I schedule content and write copy to accompany some of the best DIY decor secrets on the web. SITE STATISTICS MAD SKILLS PARTIES Each Monday I host a link party focused on sharing craft-related tutorials. An average of 1 00+ bloggers link up tutorials for specific skills or projects Google Analytics for Jan. 201 2 each week, and the party garners hundreds of pageviews. Each Friday I 50,1 84 pageviews send a newsletter which highlights some of the week's best links and 23,1 42 unique visitors showcases other MiC news. 81 .95% new visitors CAMPAIGN PROGRAMS Quantcast Demographics I have partnered with Crafterminds on several brand name campaigns from as of Dec. 2011 Martha Stewart Crafts, Krylon, Plaid Crafts, EnviroTex Lite Resin, and 81 % are female more. I have also worked with brands such as Klutz and DecoArt for 42% are aged 1 8-34 sponsored reviews and giveaways. 54% have children 29% earn $50-1 00K SPECIAL RECOGNITION anually Mad in Crafts has been featured on numerous design sites including Apartment Therapy and Ohdeeoh. A recent project was chosen as one of 64% are college graduates The TODAY Show's Top 1 0 DIY Style Projects and was featured on air. Social Media 802 Facebook Fan Page HOW MAD IN CRAFTS CAN PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY Likes OR BRAND 365 Twitter followers -Spokesperson/Brand Ambassador 1 064 GFC followers -Editorial Review 222 Weekly Newsletter -Project Tutorials Subscriptions -These include but are not limited to: editorial content creation, sponsored 54 Klout post, Twitter, Facebook, weekly newsletter, and giveaways.

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