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363.7288 J52h Jenkins, Joseph C. The humanure handbook : a guide to composting human s 33293006046736 HUMANUKE HANDBOOK A GUIDE TO COMPOSTING HUMAN MANURE (Emphasizing Minimum Technology and Maximum Hygienic Safety) Copyright 1994 by Joseph C. Jenkins All Rights Reserved Third Printing ‘The author permits the use of substantial excerpts from this book, providing that the use of such excerpts is not for the purpose of financial profit, and that the source of the informa tion, including title of this book and the publisher's address, is acknowledged on the copied information, This license is granted for the purpose of making information on the subject of composting hurnanure available to those people who cannot afford to purchase the entire book. Correspondences and/or book orders may be addressed to: Jenkins Publishing, PO Box 607, Grove City, PA 16127 USA ISBN 0-9644258-4-X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-94239 The Humanure Handbook Copyright 1994 by Joseph C. Jenkins All rights reserved except as outlined on previous page. Printed in the United States of America, - Published in the United States by: Jenkins Publishing * PO Box 607 * Grove City, PA 16127 USA Acknowledgements Editorial assistance from the following persons is gratefully acknowledged Jeanine Jenkins, Joseph J. Jenkins, Michael Crews, Barry Smith, and Stephen Brown, Thanks also to Tom Benevento for the information on the Guatemalan moulder- ing toilet and for allowing me to photograph him next to a Clivus Multrum; to Pam Owens for allowing me to photograph her with cedar posts in hand; to Jeanine for gracing the pages of this book with photos of her working with humanure compost; and to all the neighbors and friends who helped in the creation of this book by loan- ing the author reference materials, by suggesting sources of information, and for allowing the author to photograph their sawdust toilets, which was done in some cases (quite by accident) when they weren't home, allowing for candid photos of sawdust toilets as they look everyday A word of appreciation is in order for the Slippery Rock University Master of Science in Sustainable Systems program, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 USA, which played a significant role in encouraging the author to focus his attention on the sub- ject at hand A note of appreciation must be added for the international permaculture, organ- ic agriculture, and sustainable gardening communities, whose existence and support has been inspirational Finally, a special note of recognition must be added in behalf of the author's wife, Jeanine, whose assistance at every stage in the creation of this work was tremendously beneficial Photographs, design and graphics are by the author unless otherwise indicated. Some of the graphics include clip art, or modified clip art, and any advertisements or segments of advertisements came from very old magazines found in a barn Cartoon artwork on pages 28, 49, 64, 84, 108, 136, 184, 188, and back cover by Tom Griffin, Otter Creek, Mercer, PA 16137 USA Front cover artwork by Joanna and Chris Ithen, Ithen Printing Services, Grove City, PA 16127 USA. The Humenure Handbook Third Printing Notes from the Author When first published, | wondered whether this book would sink or swim, suspecting that not many people would want to read about “humanure”. But 1 should have known - this book neither sinks nor swims. It floats. And like a turd that won’t flush, the Humanure Handbook keeps coming back. This is surprising, considering the humor throughout this book is execrable, and there is plenty to be offended or annoyed by if you have a mind for it. Worse, there are two prerequisites to reading this book: you must be able to read, and you must be able to defecate. Apparently there are still some people who fit into this category, and for the most part, their comments have been encouraging. Here’s a sampling: “Your discovery of the proper small scale of the operation is world shaking.” F. A., Delaware “1 enjoyed the book immensely, but my mother is appalled. Pleasing me and irritating my mother - you score big in my two favorite categories.” K.L., Indiana “Your book is pure gold, just what I needed to give to my County Health Department.” M.T., Missouri “Your book was carefully handed to me in a brown paper bag at church last Spring. Great research, clear writing and terrific humor.” L. U., West Virginia “I showed a review of your book to my dad and he almost gagged! Would you mail me one ina plain wrapper? I live with my parents.” M. C., Colorado “If you could claim credit for engineering the thermophilic decomposers, you would probably win the Nobel Peace Prize.” T. C., Arizona “We started using our ‘system’ the day after receiving the book. It took about two hours to put together. I wish more problems that at first seemed complicated and expensive could be solved as simply as this.” J. F., New York “T've been composting and using my own waste for the past 20 years. Most of my friends think it odd. I counter that not even barbarians piss and shit in their drinking water!” E. S., Washington “Fascinating! We are indebted to you for your book Humanure Handbook.” R.L., New York “I'm sure you've probably heard it all before, but I really appreciate the fact that someone finally did their research and put it together in a pleasant readable form.” S. C., Wisconsin “For 22 years I have used scarab beetle/larvae . . . they eat my shit in five minutes flat.” C. M., South Carolina “J live and work in an international youth hostel and we're using your saw- dust toilets.” B. S., Georgia “This wonderful book fits right into my compost ~ redemption religious phi- losophy. You have answered questions I have held open since childhood.” R., Massachusetts “Just finished reading your book and I'm glad. Seeing Mr. Turdly dancing around the compost pile wasn't my ideal dream.” E. S., Washington “I'm wracking my brain, trying to find a compelling way to tell you how great I think your book is.” K. W., Wisconsin “I've spent my whole life recycling, reducing, reusing everything but my own shit and I’m ecstatically grateful to have your directions reach my lap.” W., Maine “I found your book entertaining, informative, and a great motivating force compelling us to start recycling our “humanure” immediately.” B, W., Texas “It is the shittiest book I've ever read, but it's great!” D. H., Wyoming “I liked your book. Putting back nutrients after taking them away makes sense as well as the image of dropping a turd in a 5 gallon toilet filled with ‘pure drinking water seems crazy.” T. O., New Hampshire “As parasites attached to the earth, it would seem that the only conscious thing we do that isn't killing the host, is manuring in the woods, fields or a compost toilet.” D. G., Minnesota ‘wo things you might be interested in: A more natural way to eliminate is in the squatting position. [and] Urine is not a waste product. Taking urine internally has been going on for some time (1000's of years) and by many is considered a won- derful medicine. I take my first urine daily. Also, urine is used today in ear wax removal, hand creams, and other. Now is that full of crap. . . or is it?” W. E., Ohio “Your book (Humanure) saved my butt at a town council meeting yesterday. Thank you for writing it.” D. W., Colorado “My 74 year old father thinks human waste should not be used in a garden, and I want to prove him wrong.” A. M., Washington “T had to call my dear heart long distance immediately to read her what may be the most hopeful environmental news I've read in my 35 years, that something can transmute horrible toxins, Why arent all the environmentalists raving about this?” C., Vermont There have been enough written comments about the Humanure Handbook to fill an entire book. The first two printings have been read in every state in the USA including Puerto Rico, and in at least nine other countries (Canada, Australia, Japan, England, Mexico, Guatemala, Spain, Wales, and Malaysia), by people of all ages (teens to nonagenarians), Perhaps the time has come to make humanure a household word. And with enough brown paper bags, perhaps the book will even get passed around a bit! JCJ - Spring, 1996 2

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