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Amlodipine (Norvasc)

Therapeutic ClassAntihypertensive Pharmacologic Class-Calcium channel blocker Action/Indications Actions: Inhibits the transport of calcium into myocardial and vascular smooth muscle cells, resulting in inhibition of excitationcontraction coupling and subsequent contraction. Indications: Alone or with other agents in the management of hypertension, angina pectoris, and vasospastic angina. Drug to Drug Interaction: Additive hypotension may occur when used concurrently with fentanyl, other anti-hypertensive, nitrates, acute ingestion of alcohol, or quinidine. Antihypertensive effects may be decreased by concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent. May increase risk of neurotoxicity with Nursing Implications: Assessment: Monitor blood pressure and pulse before therapy, during dose titration, and periodically during therapy. Monitor ECG periodically during prolonged therapy. Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weight. Assess for signs of CHF (Peripheral edema, rales/crackles, dyspnea, weight gain, jugular venous distention). Assess location, duration, intensity, and precipitating factors of patients anginal pain Teaching points: Do not exceed recommended dosage. Instruct patient on importance of maintaining good dental hygiene to prevent Dosage and Routes: Adults: PO 5-10 mg once daily

Adverse Reactions/Side Effects Headache, dizziness, fatigue, peripheral edema, angina, bradycardia, hypotension, palpitations, gingival hyperplasia, nausea, and flushing

Pharmacokinetics: Absorption: 64-90% oral Metabolism & Excretion : metabolized by the liver Distribution: crosses the placenta

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