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Shinden Fudo Ryu This system specializes in Dakentaijutsu which means using effective strikes on specific points on attackers

body. Founded by Izuma Kanja Yoshiteru.

Katas of The Ryu Jutaijutsu 5 Kamae Shoden Gata - 16 kata Chuden Gata - 11 kata Okuden Gata - 8 kata Dakentaijutsu Ten No Kata - 8 kata Chi No Kata - 8 kata Shizen Chigoku No Kata - 12 kata Jutaijutsu The techniques are against an opponent which attacks with a throw, or a grab and punch situation. Each basic technique have five Henka (variations). 5 Kamae : Body Postures Za no kamae Hira Ichimonji no kamae Seigan no kamae Katate Seigan no kamae Shizen no kamae

Shoden Gata : (The lower level) Kata Munedori - Single breast (chest) capture Gyaku Kata Munedori - Reverse single chest capture Ude Dori - Arm capture Matsu Kaze Ryu Ko Gedan Gake - Low level dashing Ude Ori - Arm break Kyu In Kimon Dori Jinchu Nage Koromo Gaeshi Saka Otoshi Satani Nage Katate Otoshi - Single hand drop Gyaku Nage - Reverse throw Gokuraku Otoshi

Chuden Gata : The middle level Fu Setsu Tama Otoshi Ugo Randori Tsuki No Wa Kocho Dori Kasa Harai Kakusei Kasumi Gake Ryo Yoku Utsushi Dori Okuden Gata : The higher level Hyo Fu Gosha Dori Te Ate Kari shimo Tatsu Maki Furoya Nage Yama Arashi - Mountain storm Bai Setsu -

Dakentaijutsu Ten No Kata : The heaven forms Nichigeki - Sunfire Gekkan Fubi Uryu Unjako or Ibari - Skylark Setsuyaku Musan Karai

Chi No Kata : The earth forms Riken Shinken Raiken Henkyo Issen Akuken Kenkon Suiryu

Shizen Chigoku No Kata : Natural hell methods. Tainagashi Kobushinagashi Fubatsu Ryotegake - Both hands dashing Routo Fudo - Immovable Ugari Fukan Kasasagi Suzu Otoshi Kasumi Otoshi - Fog dropping Shizen - Natural

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