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Primary Sources

Facebook Ads. 400 million active user s announcement 4 Feb. 2010: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <>. At Facebook, our mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. Our home page is an integral place users go to discover and consume information about what is going on around them. We want to ensure we are surfacing the things that are important to our users and make access more intuitive. Over the past few months, we have been testing different designs focused on removing navigational redundancies and consolidating notifications. Today, we re launching the updated home page to a portion of our users with the intention to roll it out to everyone soon. In doing so, we hope to make it as easy as possible for our more than 400 million users worldwide (!) to find what they are looking for and engage with the content most relevant to them - whether it s their notifications, friend requests, personal messages or applications FACTSHEET: n. pag. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. This is a Facebook page bio distributed by Facebook. It talks about many topics. It begins with a simple intro about Facebook with when it started and things like that. It tells what Facebook does and can do. It talks about Facebook s safety security and privacy to users and for users. It tells where Facebook gets and got its funding for and from throughout the years. It shows the board members and tells how it has over 3000 employees. Finally it tells where its office is and how many users it has.

Shiraldi, Mike. Three new features for reddit gold. blog.reddit. N.p., 19 July 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. <>. It tells about 3 new unique features. Choose your own ads is one of them, well he name is self explanatory. You can now sort your user-page... and the friends with benefits feature, that helps your remember who is who. YouTube Corporation. YouTube in 3D. YouTube. YouTube, 21 July 2009. Web. 2 Jan. 2012. <>. The video is the CEO of YouTube talking about a new feature. The video is in 3D. He is stating that YouTube would be allowing for 3D video. For the video you need a computer that had 3d or regular 3d glasses. He says how YouTube will be ahead by making this feature and discusses how to access it.

Zuckerberg, Mark. 500 Million Stories 21 July 2010: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <>. As of this morning, 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook to stay connected with their friends and the people around them. This is an important milestone for all of you who have helped spread Facebook around the world. Now a lot more people have the opportunity to stay connected with the people they care about. To celebrate, we ve put together a collection of stories you ve shared with us about the impact Facebook and your friends have had on your lives. We re launching a new application called Facebook Stories where you can share your own story and read hundreds of others, categorized by themes and locations around the world. - Mark - - -. Our First 100 Million 26 Aug. 2008: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. < blog.php?post=28111272130>. We hit a big milestone today -- 100 million people around the

world are now using Facebook. This is a really gratifying moment for us because it means a lot that you have decided that Facebook is a good, trusted place for you to share your lives with your friends. So we just wanted to take this moment to say, Thanks. We spend all our time here trying to build the best possible product that enables you to share and stay connected, so the fact that we re growing so quickly all over the world is very rewarding. Thanks for all your support and stay tuned for more great things in the future. - Mark Zuckerberg - - -. 300 Million And On 15 Sept. 2009: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. < blog.php?post=136782277130>. As of today, Facebook now serves 300 million people across the world. It s a large number, but the way we think about this is that we re just getting started on our goal of connecting everyone. - Mark The site we all use every day is built by a relatively small group of the smartest engineers and entrepreneurs who are solving substantial problems and each making a huge impact for the 300 million people using Facebook. In fact, the ratio of Facebook users to Facebook engineers makes it so that every engineer here is responsible for more than one million users. It s hard to have an impact like that anywhere else. We re also succeeding at building Facebook in a sustainable way. Earlier this year, we said we expected to be cash flow positive sometime in 2010, and I m pleased to share that we achieved this milestone last quarter. This is important to us because it sets Facebook up to be a strong independent service for the long term. - Mark - - -. 200 Million Strong 8 Apr. 2009: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. < blog.php?post=72353897130>. We will welcome our 200 millionth active user to Facebook sometime today, and I want to take this opportunity to describe what this means to us and what we hope it can mean for everyone using Facebook.-Mark Zuckerberg Growing rapidly to 200 million users is a really good start, but we ve always known that in order for Facebook to help

people represent everything that is happening in their world, everyone needs to have a voice. This is why we are working hard to build a service that everyone, everywhere can use, whether they are a person, a company, a president or an organization working for change. To celebrate and support all of these voices and their potential to improve the world, we are creating a space on Facebook where people can share their stories about how Facebook has helped them give back to their communities, effect change or connect with a distant relative. We ve also worked with 16 charitable and advocacy organizations to create gifts that are now available in our gift shop. The organization the gift represents will receive between 90 percent to 95 percent of the cost of the gift, after administrative expenses for the transaction, so we encourage you to share your passion for a cause with your friends and in doing so, support the cause. Facebook will not keep any part of your contribution.- Mark Zuckerberg

Secondary Sources
Beaumont, Claudine. Twitter users send 50 million tweets per day 23 Feb. 2010: n. pag. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. Twitter, which was launched in 2007, has enjoyed rapid growth in recent months. In 2007, around 5,000 tweets were sent per day, with that increasing to 300,000 messages per day in 2008. The number of tweets sent last year grew by 1,400 per cent, to around 35 million per day, and that figure now stands at 50 million tweets sent per day. Carton, Sean. Defining social media. Clicks. Ed. Clicks. N.p., 20 July 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. This defines social media. It gives broad information about social media. It breaks down the top social media websites. It then

shows differences and similarity between them. These websites are twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. It tells how some company s use social media to market and advertise their product. They do this because so many Americans use social media today. Facebook Design 2004-2011. Social Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. 2004 - 2011 Facebook information. Pictures of the timelines. Forbes, prod. Forbes. Forbes, 8 June 2011. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. <>. This newsletter tells information about information changing the ways students apply to colleges. It shows rates of students getting in to the previous years. Every number dropped because more people applied. Technology is making it easier to compare institutions in depth to find the best fit instead of relying on simple and subjective rankings. said Stephen Smith, CEO of Naviance. Gardner, David. The marriage killer: One in five American divorces now involves Facebook 2 Dec. 2010: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <>. It used to be the tell-tale lipstick on the collar. Then there were the give-away texts that spelled the death knell for many marriages. But now one in five divorces involve the social networking site Facebook, according to a new survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. A staggering 80 per cent of divorce lawyers have also reported a spike in the number of cases that use social media for evidence of cheating. Passion killer: 80 per cent of divorce lawyers have reported a spike in the number of cases using social media for evidence of cheating, with Facebook by far the biggest offender

Hart, Jane. A brief History of social Media. C4LPT. N.p., 8 Oct. 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. This gives history of many things online. It gives the history of the telephone and how it came about and how it helped other communication devices. It talks in depth about the web and some of the first world wide webs, before the big Internet explorer Microsoft made. At the end it talks about social networking. This websites general statement is about the era and what lead up to it and what is in it. Helft, Miguel, and Matt Richel. Venture firm shares a YouTube jackpot. New York Times 10 Oct. 2006: n. pag. New York Times. Web. 2 Jan. 2012. <>. This is an article explaining the investments of youtube. It talks about how sequoia Capitol may be earning around 500 million just from a 30 % increase.

Klein, Maury, and FPRI. The Technological Revolution. The Technological Revolution 13.18 (July 2008): n. pag. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. <>. The lady describes what the word technology means and where it came from. She talks about her experiences with technology. She talks about electricity and how nothing we have today would be possible without it. She speaks on how this revolution came about and where it originated. She tells how people today would answer the question of what they couldn t live without. Most of the people would say the computer or their phone.

Macale, Sherilynn. A rundown of reddits history and community 14 Oct. 2011: n. pag. Web. 16 Jan. 2012. <>. Has a unique graphic with many facts on it. Gives interesting facts about reddit. And gives a simple background of the history. Media Circus. Information on Technology. Advertisement. Did You Know? 4 Mar. 2009, n. pag. Video file. This video clip states information conducted in 2009. It talks about Computers that will exceed human brain functions by 2013. Also it talks about how many internet devices used to be used but now how many are used. It is talking about how much news there is in 3 days on the New York Times website compared to a person s lifetime. It tells when the first text was sent and how many are sent to day and a connection about what those many texts is equal too. MSNBC. Goldman to clients: Facebook has 600 million users 5 Jan. 2011: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <>. Facebook has 600 million+ monthly active users, according to a document Goldman Sachs is showing clients interested in investing in Facebook at a $50 billion valuation. Goldman, which is itself investing $450 million in Facebook, is in the process of offering $1.5 billion worth of common stock to its richest clients. Facebook announced it crossed the 500 million monthly active user mark back in July. The site s official stats page says there are more than 500 million active users on the site. Now we know there are at least 100 million more. Ostraw, Adam. Facebook Now Has 800 Million Users 22 Sept. 2011: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <>. His parody did include on very real stat

though: Facebook has passed 800 million users (which Facebook measures as users that have logged in during the past 30 days). That means Facebook has added about 50 million users since July. Zuckerberg took the stage a few minutes after Samberg and offered another stat, noting that Facebook had recently seen its first day in which half a billion people logged into the site. Rob, and Omobono Digital. Social Media Statistics. Omobono. N.p., 11 Oct. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. This is a really good video and information newsletter. It gives stats about social networking today compared to the past . Some of the information is kind of scary about how much we use the internet. It talks about companies like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter. I could not believe how many people rely on this websites. Social Breakers. Facebook is globally closing in to 700 million users! 30 May 2011: n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2011. <>. Facebook is still on the rise, and as we re seeing the latest progress, number of its total users is closing in to 700 million users. So which countries contributed to this rise the most in the last month? Top growing country in the last month was Brazil with more than 1,9 million of new users on Facebook. This is a huge growth of more than 11 %! Following top growing countries on Facebook in the last month were: Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico and Argentina. The top ten lists are closed by India, Colombia, Egypt and Turkey. Stross, Randall. Sifting the Professional From the Personal. The New York Times. N.p., 7 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Jan. 2012. <

reach.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=linkedin&st=cse>. This website separates the differences between linked in and Facebook. It tells how Linked in is a Professional type of Facebook. Linked in is for businesses and business people. Facebook is more of a personal website. It is used for like friendly connections, instead of business connections. Taylor, Chris. Twitter Has 100 Million Active Users 8 Sept. 2011: n. pag. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. Twitter has 100 million active users logging in at least once a month and 50 million active users every day, CEO Dick Costolo revealed Thursday.

The micro blogging service has a total of 200 million registered users, but how many of those are actually regulars has been open to debate for some time. Costolo, in an informal chat with tech reporters he called his state of the union, revealed that exactly half of them log in monthly a number he says is up 82% since the beginning of the year.

The CEO offered a whole raft of statistics to prove that Twitter is healthy and growing like a weed especially on mobile platforms. Some 55 million users log on to Twitter from their

phone or tablet every month. Web-based users are on the rise, too: now sees 400 million visitors a month, up from 250 million at the beginning of the year, Costolo says. Twitter Quotes. Twitter Famous Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. Among Quotes are ones from: New York Times

Actors Government officials Ceo of twitter Athletes Harvard Professors and Time magazine Web Designer Depot. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. This is a very big article. This article tells information about almost every social networking sight out there. From BBS to Facebook. It shows Photo social networking site, and Video. It gives information about video games as social networking within game chat. It gives examples of search engine social networking sites and book marking social net working sites. It gives information on Live-Streaming. I can relate to this because my dad uses many of these websites for his job as a marketing and tournament director for CSN a professional gaming company. It tells about social shopping sites which is interesting. This is a very good website for information. Womack, Brian. Facebook Revenue Will Reach $4.27 Billion, EMarketer Says 20 Sept. 2011: n. pag. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. Facebook Inc., the world s largest social-networking service by number of users, will generate $4.27 billion in revenue this year, more than double the $2 billion made in 2010, according to research firm EMarketer Inc. The company will get $3.8 billion from advertising this year, up 104 percent from $1.86 billion in 2010, New York-based EMarketer said today in an e-mailed statement. The company should make $470 million from Facebook Credits,

a virtual- currency program that lets users buy items in games, more than triple the $140 million it made last year. YouTube corporation. YouTube in 3D. YouTube. YouTube, 21 July 2009. Web. 2 Jan. 2012. <>. The video is the ceo of YouTube talking about a new feature. The video is in 3D. He is stating that YouTube would be allowing for 3D video. for the video you need a computer that had 3d or regular 3d glasses. He says how YouTube will be ahead by making this feature and discusses how to access it.

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