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Confidential Draft Co de al

James Ja e Martin n
Sender Date Subject

to: Christine Kushner, Susan Evans

12/12/2011 11:20 PM

Jame 12/12/20 Confidential Draft

Christine and Susan, Attached is a draft of some ideas I have tried to put down on paper based on my conversation with Susan . Also talked with Kevin. He clearly understands the problem, and is hoping to have a constructive conversation with the Superintendent to get toward a win-win-win situation. This draft is I am sure nowhere near what might end up to be a final form, but may be as starting point to get ideas down on paper. Right now this should be kept just to the three of us. We need to bat ideas around ourselves without the outside pressure. We also need to know how Kevin's meeting with Tony goes. Kevin encouraged that we each might want to try to talk to Tony too. Got to wrap it up for the night. Later,

Jim Assignment.docx

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