Roman Comprehensive

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The Rise to Empire

Shift from a small village to major power Mountainous region Heavily borrowed from other cultures

Etruscans Greek colonies set up in Italy and Sicily Looked to their mythic past

Romulus and Remus

Roman society
Patria potestas (fathers power)

Society based on social distinctions

Slave vs. free Male vs. female Patricians (aristocrats) vs. plebeians (commoners)
Patrician dominated military and politics and were usually the richest as well Patron-client system mutual support for mutual benefit Patron-

Roman values (virtue, faithfulness, self-control) self-control)

Expansion of the Republic


Empire control over a conquered people Romes desire to expand

National security  Desire to obtain riches


Republic era of nearly constant warfare New ideas came into the Republic

Greek philosophies Stoicism


Growth of mystery cults Helped to destroy the republic

Death of the Republic

Growing urban population

Generals gained power by appealing to the masses

Julius Caesar
Extremely successful general  Invaded Rome  Involved with Cleopatra (Egypt)  Dictator until his assassination

Octavian/Augustus (31 BC 14 AD)

Death of Caesar resulted in a civil war GrandGrand-nephew and adopted son of Caesar Received title of Augustus to honor him Became the 1st Roman emperor, but not called the emperor Ushered in the Pax Romana


Roman Roads


Public entertainment

Violence was key Emperors would provide spectacles Gladiators


Primarily men but some women as well Rarely to the death Gain celebrity

Masses could use these games to stage protests


Collapse of the empire

Problems with succession  Mounting economic issues  Many attacked the loss of traditional values  Empire became too large and difficult to control  Invasion of Germanic people  Final emperor removed in 476 CE

The Romans of the Decadence (1847)

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