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Humanism and the Speculative Leap

Mediterranean World

Minoans and Mycenaeans (2200(22001000 BC)


Lived on Crete


Sea people
Technological advances Huge sprawling palaces

CityCity-states (were competitive)  Sea trade/piracy  Society very big on war  Polytheistic origins of Greek gods

Minoan Palace

Labyrinth myth?


Constructed by Daedalus for King Minos Hold the Minotaur Eventually slain by the Greek warrior Theseus


Possibly represents sprawling palaces Theseus battle b/w Minoans and Mycenaeans?

Greek sports

Sports big part of early culture

Boxing, wrestling, and bullbull-leaping

Link to religious meanings???


Initiation Sacred bull Way to win individual honor

First Olympic games

Minoan Bull Jumping

Trojan War

Depicted in Iliad and followed up in Odyssey

Homer describes as battle b/w gods and men

Long believed to be a fictional event Troy part of Hittite Empire

Definitely destroyed no one can be sure why

Birth of Democracy

Athens relied on rowers to maintain their navy Wanted to obtain more rights as Athens fought wars Democracy

(give power to the people)

Still only gave it to men that owned land over the age of 18 Excludes women, children, and slaves




men of wisdom wisdom Broke with tradition

Emphasis on rhetoric


Entrepreneurs Protagoras

No definite right or wrong

Sparked a great deal of criticism

Socrates (469-399 BC) (469   

Eccentric philosopher Refused to be associated with Sophists Challenged traditional views

Dialectical method Forced to commit suicide after Peloponnesian War

Attacked by many

Death of Socrates

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