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Effective Technical Presentations

Session 1: Overall
L ng Y Ha ( swiss IT bridge

A process to conduct an effective presentation Step 1: Planning Step 2: Preparing the Content Step 3: Practicing Step 4: Getting there Step 5: Speaking to the audience

Step 1: Planning (1/3)

Who is the audience?


Make the level of the material appropriate to the audience

What is the message?


Have a clear point that you want to address

Step 1: Planning (2/3)

How long is the presentation?

o o

Present enough materials Leave time for questions

Follow the golden rule

Step 1: Planning (3/3)

The golden rule

1) Tell the audience what youre going to tell them 2) Deliver the information 3) Tell the the audience what youve told them

Step 2: Preparing the Content

Determine font size Use your own words Show ideas, not details

Content: Keep it simple

A presentation is not effective when slides are verbose and filled with lots and lots of text for the viewer to read. This type of presentation is better suited for publishing a paper or journal article and is not desirable for an oral presentation. Remember what a presentation is and what it is not. This type of slide is a real attention-killer and very difficult for the audience to follow.

How many times have you seen this?

Step 2: Preparing the Content (cont.)

12 point 18

point 24


32 point

44 point

Match the font size to the presentation room

Step 2: Preparing the Content (cont.)

Looks good :-)

Looks good also :-) Dark letters on a light background are best for opaque images

Technology: Color

Avoid low contrast or dark-on-dark combinations

Avoid the UM red and blue

Avoid the UM red and blue

Step 4: Practicing

Practice so that you are comfortable with the equipment Practice so that the timing is correct The first time you try something is never your best performance

Step 5: Getting There

What computer is available? What projection device? At least 15 minutes

Step 6: Speak to the Audience

Talk to people at the far corner Gestures Eye-contacts


Thank you!


Step 1: Planning Step 2: Preparing the Content Step 3: Practicing Step 4: Getting there Step 5: Speaking to the audience

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