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The Softball Pitch

03 August 2011 02:01 PM

- Pitcher

- Catcher - Foul Territory - First Base - Second Base - Third Base - Short Stop

- Center Field
- Right Field - Left Field - Fair Territory - Short Field

Task 1

Softball Page 1

Task 2
13 February 2012 08:14

My knowledge of softball at this moment 4 / 8

Forced Run-

Unforced RunSecond Base

Third Base

First Base


Softball Page 2

Task 3
14 February 2012 15:24

Give Solutions:

Scenario 1: There is a runner on 1st base and the batter hits the ball to the Short Stop (SS). Where does the SS throw the ball and what does the base player do to get an out. Solution: The short stop person throws it to the second base person. Scenario 2: There is a runner on 2nd base and the batter hits the ball in the direction of the 3rd base. Who fields the ball and where does it go. What do the fielders need to do to get an 'out' and why? Solution: The person that fields the ball is the right fielder and it goes out. Touch the person or touch the base because it's true. Scenario 3: All the bases are 'loaded' (there are runners on 1st, 2nd and 3rd base). The ball is hit to the SS. How can the fielding team make a 'double play'. For this question you might have to research what a 'double play' in Softball is. Solution: Tag the two persons and tagging the base.

Softball Page 3

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