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Medical Diagnostic : SEVERE ANEMIA Cinical Manifestation: Pallor Weakness Malaise Dyspnea Tachycardia Bounding pulse Low body tempearture Cardiac ventricular hyperthrophy Pica

Diagnostic Exam:

(Complete Blood Count)

test for counting and examining the different type of cells in the blood. CBC analysis was performed by a physician or a laboratory technician by viewing a glass slide prepared from a blood sample under a microscope. Today, much of this work is often automated and done by machines. Six component measurements make up a CBC test:
1. Red blood cell (RBC) count 2. Hematocrit 3. Hemoglobin 4. White blood cell (WBC) count 5. Differential blood count (the "diff") 6. Platelet count

Only the first three of these tests: the red blood cell (RBC) count, the hematocrit, and the hemoglobin, are relevant to the diagnosis of anemia. Additionally, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is also often reported in a CBC, which basically measures the average volume of red blood cells in a blood sample. This is important in distinguishing the causes of anemia. Other useful clues to causes of anemia that are reported in a CBC are the size, shape, and color of red blood cells.

 Assess patient for paleness and weakness.  Advised patient to follow up availability of blood transfusion.  Advise increase intake of food high in Iron such as green leafy vegetable and organ meat.  Iron supplement are necessary, as prescribed by the doctor.  Encourage patient to verbalize or report discomforts or complaints to the NOD or to the physician.

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