No Action Without Aaron

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Aaron Watkins YOUR VP Activities for 2012-2013 3rd Year History and Politics Student Your Union Committee Member T24 Drama Society & UKC Darts Club Treasurer 2011-2012

I am passionate, dedicated, committed. I give 200% in all that I do, and I truly believe that I am the right person for this role, as I believe that all my ideas are achievable, and will make the Union a better institution.

Create a Societies Ball. More money and more space for the societies to use. Work with Medway to continue their progress in the democratic structure. Performing Arts Forum New Society Mentoring Programme. Increase Post Graduate attendance to societies.

Inquire and Kent Union Webpage

Society Corner, a new innovative system on Kent Union,
A section of the page will be dedicated to societies, volunteering and Rag. A Continuous rotation of societies logos to represent all 150+ societies.

Working with the Inquire committee, I propose to introduce two new pages into Inquire. IQ Activities: A double page spread devoted to societies, RAG and Volunteering. IQ Medway: A page devoted to news occurring in Medway.

Volunteering and RAG

Better recognition for those who give their time up to volunteering and fundraising, through rewards, special mentions through University Media. Volunteering Fair to receive a makeover. Introduce two new KSCV awards: Ruby 200+ volunteering hours, Diamond 300+ volunteering hour. Special award for Post Graduate Volunteers.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto. If you have any questions related to it please email me at: Remember to vote for me as VP for Activities 2012-2013

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