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Social Strata: Student s Stigma in Life A Survey Encircle the Letters. 1. Which among the ff.

MAJOR FACTORS of a Students Stigma negatively affects you the most? (Choose One Only.) a. Financial Capability b. Talent Capability c. Healthiness (i.e. mental/physical) d. Physical Appearance e. Attitude OTHERS (specify): _____________ 2. How does it affect you positively? (You may choose more than one) a. It increases my determination to succeed in life b. I become more socialized c. It makes me accept my differences and other people s differences d. I am able to know and change my bad habits OTHERS (specify):_______________ 3. How does it affect you negatively? (You may choose more than one) a. Deteriorates my self-confidence b. Gives me the feeling of unimportance c. Deteriorates my Self-Esteem d. I refrain from joining activities where I have to express myself e. I tend to avoid certain people f. Pushes me to isolate myself from the society g. Gives me a vague imagination of suicide OTHERS (specify): _______________


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