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Description of tasks done during the five-week session Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom

English Village Online 2012 Moderators: Miguel Mendoza, Evelyn Izquierdo & Teadira Prez Week 1, participants sign up/download and explore web tools (Wiziq, Blogger,
Voicethread, Voxopop. Glogster including Yahoo groups); get to know each other (Glogster); record their expectations (Voxopo); check out how much participants know about podcasting including podcast directories (Survey Monkey & Google Forms). Moderators send task reminders and short reports on tasks done by participants every day in the Yahoo groups. This includes information for newcomers (Adding picture to Photo Album, adding info to database, checking out materials). Early comers, those who start posting in the Yahoo Groups before the session officially kicks off, are asked to do this as well.

Week 2, participants familiarize with notions related to both podcast and podcasting.
They start recording their first audio in Audacity following tutorials. They also become familiar with web-based recorders like Podomatic and Podbean. They explore both difficult and easy tools to make podcasts (Stanley, 2006) during this week. Also, participants are asked to create a blog in Blogger including adding three pages called About me, My Podcasts and My Podcast Project. They dont add any content to these pages yet. Moderators send task reminders and short reports on tasks done by participants almost every day in the Yahoo groups

Week 3, participants learn a few Audacity tricks and become familiar with MP3 Skype
recorder. They write a draft about their podcast project they would like to showcase in Week 5. They start embedding the podcast recorded so far (Podomatic, Podbean, Interview from MP3 Skype recorder) in the My Podcast page in Blogger. Moderators send task reminders and short reports on tasks done by participants almost every day in the Yahoo groups

Week 4, participants become familiar with Audioboo, Vocaroo and Chirbits. They also
start adding information to the rest of their blog pages: About me and My Podcast Project. In the My Podcast page, they embed podcasts from web-based recorders used this week (Audioboo, Vocaroo and Chirbits). In the Podcast Project page, they write a detailed description of the project. Moderators send task reminders and short reports on tasks done by participants almost every day in the Yahoo groups

Week 5, participants become familiar with Itunes. They follow a fantastic video
tutorial by Russell Stunnard. They start giving the final touch to their blogs by recording a blog promo and editing their blogs based on their moderators feedback. Also, they recorded their session feedback in Voicethread and left their virtual presents in Wallwisher. Finally, they talk about their projects in Wiziq (Synchronous session).

Along the session, some other tasks take place: 1) readings start from Week 2 to
Week 5; 2) live sessions on Wiziq are delivered on Saturdays from Week 1 to Week 5; and as a by-product participants become familiar with other tools like Glogster,

Voxopop, Google docs, Googles docs, Survey monkey, Voicethread and Wallwisher from Week 1 to Week 5).

Description of tasks done during the five-week session Podcating for the ESL-EFL Classroom by Miguel Mendoza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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