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H83 RED Coursework 2010-2011

This coursework contains sections 2 and 3. The second section involves the use of MATLAB software to solve two ODEs to obtain the conversion for an isothermal reactor with and without multiple reactions. The third section involves solving ODEs (again in MATLAB) for the case of a non-isothermal reaction. Coursework hand out date: Coursework hand in date: Marking scheme Section 2: Total marks awarded for this section is 10 (~33.3% of total coursework) Section 3: Total marks awarded for this section is 10 (~33.3% of total coursework) Please submit in electronic form to When submitting the report please name your Microsoft word/Excel file as follows: (Student No as in the excel spreadsheet in the student U drive)(Name)(Section 2) Example: 1Marlene Sormann (Section 2) Late submissions (without extenuating circumstances) are penalised at 5% per working day late. Outline of Report The report that you submit should list the answers to each of the questions given below, along with an appendix including the computer code used to obtain the answers (in the case of MATLAB). Variable parameters for each student are given in an excel spreadsheet in the student U drive: U:\All Users\FOE\Lecturer's Folder\David Hassell\H83 RED\20112012\Coursework\H83 RED Coursework Part 2 Friday 11th November Friday 16th December

Section 2:
(a) iA + jB C

Two reagents A and B are fed in stoichiometric proportions to a PBR operated isothermally at 300rC. A is fed to the reactor at a rate of 100X mol/hr at a pressure of W atmosphere. It is proposed to use X banks of Y diameter tubes packed with catalyst, with 50 tubes per bank. The properties of the reacting fluid are to be considered identical to those of air at this temperature and pressure. The density of the 5mm catalyst particles is 1950 kg m-3 and the void bed fraction is Z.
1 The rate law is  rA ! kPA / 3 PB2 / 3 with k = K mol atm-1 g-1 cat s-1

i, j, K, W, X, Y and Z are given for each student in Table T2 in the student U drive. 1.1, 1.05, 0.0256, 11, 9, 24, 0.5 A = 30 g/mol B = 20 g/mol Determine the weight of catalyst necessary to achieve 73% conversion of A and present the answer. If the rate law is rA ! kPA2 / 3 PB4 / 3 with k = 0.1K mol atm-2 g-1 cat s-1 how does this affect the required weight of catalyst. Can you explain why? (b)

iA + B jC + B


(1) (2)

The multiple reaction scheme given above is carried out isothermally at 1500 K and Z atm in a CSTR in which the feed is X% reagent A and Y% reagent B. The volumetric flow rate is 0.1 ft3 s-1 and the reactor volume is 200 ft3. The reaction rates for (1) and (2) are given below:
0 rC ! k1C AC B.5 0 rE ! k 2CC C B.5

Where at 1500 K the specific reaction rates are: k1 = 5 (m3 mol-1)0.5 hr-1 k2 = 3 (m3 mol-1)0.5 hr-1

Calculate the conversion of A and B and the outlet concentrations of A, B and C and present the answers. i, j, X, Y and Z are given for each student in Table T3 in the student U drive.

Section 3:
The following gas-phase reactions occur in a Plug flow reactor. iA p jB kA p C
r1A ! kA1CA
2 r2A ! k 2A CA

reaction 1 reaction 2


Pure A is fed at a rate of 200 mol/s at a temperature of X C and a concentration of 0.2 mol dm-3. Determine the temperature and flow rate profiles down the reactor and present them in graphical form. Explain why the profiles develop down the reactor in the manner found. i, j, k and X are given for each student in Table T4 in the student U drive. Additional information HRx1A = -20,000 J/(mol of A reacted in reaction 1) HRx2A = -60,000 J/(mol of A reacted in reaction 2) CPA = 90 J/mol K E 1 1 k1A ! 10 exp 1  s 1 R 300 T E1 ! 4000K R E 1 1 dm 3  k 2 A ! 0.1 exp 2 R 300 T mol s E2 ! 8000 K R

CPB = 90 J/mol K

CPC = 180 J/mol K

Ua = 3000 J m-3 s-1 K-1 Ta = 90 C

Repeat the above process, explaining the trends observed, if: HRx1A = 20,000 J/(mol of A reacted in reaction 1) HRx2A = 60,000 J/(mol of A reacted in reaction 2) All other parameters remain the same.

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