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Psychological and Physiological

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What are neurones, synapses and neurotransmitters? What are problem focused and emotion focused coping strategies? What is inoculation ? What do cognitive and behavioural mean? What do psychological and physiological mean in the context of stress management?

Explain the difference between psychological and physiological methods of stress management. Outline drug therapy, biofeedback, stress inoculation training and hardiness training. And for homework: Make notes on benzodiazepines and beta blockers. AND REVISE MARMOT AND FRIEDMAN & ROSENMAN FOR A TEST ON THURSDAY

Psychological: relating to the mind thoughts and feelings / cognitive processes / behaviour.
 Related to problem focused , assuming the problem

is cognitive e.g. a faulty appraisal of the stressful situation.

Physiological: relating to the functioning of the body hormones, neurones and the brain.
 Related to emotion focused

tackles the response

rather than the stressor.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: aims to change how the person thinks about and responds to stressors.
 Stress Inoculation Training Conceptualisation Skills acquisition Application  Hardiness Training Focusing Reliving Self improvement

Drug Therapy: anti-anxiety drugs alter how the nervous system responds to stressors by interfering with neurotransmitters at synapses.
 Benzodiazepines e.g. Valium

work on the CNS, boosting effects of natural inhibitor neurotransmitter.  Beta Blockers work in ANS, blocking effects of noradrenalin.

Drug Examples Part of NS affected Mode of action Effects on symptoms Side effects Other limitations Strengths


Beta Blockers

Biofeedback: people can be trained to control their ANS using feedback on heartrate, b.p., body temperature etc delivered by monitors and computers.
 Relaxation techniques also involved so this is

psychological as well as physiological.

General principle of CBT for stress General strengths and limitations Stress inoculation training
 Three stages and what they mean, with examples  Evaluation

Hardiness training
 Three stages and what they mean, with examples  Evaluation

Biofeedback what it involves and evaluation

 Why it is both physiological and psychological

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