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(V2 + Mac Only)

Dragon Dictate
Quick-Start Guide

Controlling your Microphone

SAY: Go to Sleep Wake Up Microphone Off Sleep Mode Switch to Sleep Mode TO: Makes the microphone stop listening temporarily. Reactivates the microphone when its sleeping. Turns the microphone off (You need to re-activate manually to restart) Sets the microphone on sleep mode. Sets Dictate microphone to sleep mode.

Adding paragraphs, lines, and spaces

New Line New Paragraph No Space No Space On/ No Space Off Presses the Enter key once. Presses the Enter key twice. Stops putting spaces between words. Stops putting spaces between words/ Starts Putting spaces between

Selecting Text
Select ____ Select ____ to ______ Select All Select Next/Previous Selects a specific word or words - (See tool tip at the bottom of page) Selects a series of words that follow on from each other. Selects all the text in your document. Selects the next or previous word

Deleting Text
Forget That/ Scratch That Forget Word/ Scratch Word Delete _____ Delete _____ to ______ Deletes the last thing you said Deletes the last word you said Deletes a specific word Deletes a series of words that follow on from each other.

_______________________________________________________________________ User Tip: Improving Accuracy

Where ______ is indicated, this is where you should specify a specific word in your text for the dragon to select or delete etc. Try to speak at a natural relaxed pace to improve your accuracy when dictating.

Moving Around in Document

Move Forward (199) Words Move Backward (1...99) Words Go to Beginning of Document Go to End of Document Moves forward from the cursor point to a specific word Moves backward from the cursor point to a specific word Goes to the start of document Goes to the end of document

Capitalizing text
All Caps On/ Caps On All Caps Off/ Caps Off Uppercase ____ to ____ Lowercase ____ to ____ No Caps All Caps Turn all capitals on (like pressing the CAPS LOCK key). Turn all capitals off. Puts in capitals a specific selection of text Puts in lower case a specific selection of text Stops the last word you said being capitalised Makes the last thing you said all capitals

Inserting Text Before/ After a word

Insert Before _____ Insert After ______ Inserts text BEFORE a specific word Inserts text AFTER a specific word

Phrase Training Commands

Show Recognition Window Hide Recognition Window Choose ___ Pick ___ Edit ___ Cancel Edit Press Play (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.) (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.) (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.) Opens up the Recognition Window (see tool tip at the bottom of page) Hides the Recognition Window Chooses a specific Number (next to your word, when correcting) Picks a specific Number (next to your word, when correcting) Edits a specific Word (which is next to the number) Cancels the Edit Command Plays back the Word

Play Back/ Proof Reading Your Document (Note: the text has to be Pre-selected)
Read/ Proof Read _____ Read/ Proof Read Selection Read/ Proof Read Document Plays back pre-selected word Plays back pre-selected phrase or selection of words Plays back all the document to you

Cut/ Copy/ Pasting Text

Copy Selection Cut Selection Paste from Clipboard Copies Pre-selected Text Copies Pre-selected Text Pastes Text from the Clipboard


User Tip: Recognition Window

This is a good tool, because this allows you to understand what Dragon has actually understood what you have said and so you can edit your words more effectively.
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Switching Modes
Dictation Mode Spelling Mode Command Mode Allows you to dictate and carry out commands. Allows you to spell in words only. Allows you to carry out commands only.

Dragon Dictate Window Commands

Bring Dictate to the Front Show Available Commands Window Hide Available Commands Window Puts the focus on the Dragon Dictate Toolbar Shows the commands available in the software you are using. Hides the command window

Keyboard / Button Commands

Press the Key ______ Presses a specific Keyboard key, e.g. Enter, Tab, Backspace etc.

Press the Key Combo ___ plus ___ Presses a combination of Keys, e.g. Command + P (to print) Press Cancel Press Dont Save Press OK Save this Document Presses the Cancel Button Presses the Dont Save Button Presses the OK Button Saves the Document

Menu Commands
File New File Open File Close Undo Last Action Redo Last Action About this Application Access Find Window Access Force Quit Show Date and Time Creates a New File Goes to the Open Menu Closes a File Clicks the Undo Button Clicks the Redo Button Gives you details of the Application you are in. Goes to the Find Facility Window Use this only if your screen has frozen and you cannot exit normally Shows you the date and time

Application Launch/Quit Commands

Activate ______ Open ______ Launch _____ Quit/ Kill _______ Activates a specific Application (i.e. specify correct application name) Opens the Application you specify Launches the Application you specify Quits the Application you specify

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User Tip: Navigating Around your Document

Believe it or not saying commands to navigate around or to delete something is quite often faster than moving your mouse to the word and then pressing your backspace key.
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Dragon Voice Shortcuts

Search Google for ______ Search Bing for ______ Search Yahoo for _____ Search Menus for _______ Search Mail for ________ Search Mac for ________ Searches Google for a specific word Searches Bing for a specific word Searches Yahoo for a specific word Searches Menu items in the ACTIVE application Specific Messages Searches Mac for a specifically named document

Chat Commands
Send Message Smiley Face Winky Face Frowny Face Sends your specific message after youve dictated it Inserts a Smiley Face in your message Inserts a Winky Face in your message Inserts a Frowny Face in your message

Entering punctuation and special characters


& * s @ . ` \ / : ,

Ampersand Asterisk Apostrophe Apostrophe ess At Sign Dot/ Point/ Full-stop Back-Quote Open Single Quote Close Single Quote Open Quote Close Quote Back-Slash Slash / Forward Slash Colon Comma

Caret Dash

[ ] < > +

Open Square Bracket Close Square Bracket Less Than More Than Minus Sign Plus Sign

(space) Space Bar (TAB) Tab Key $ # = ! ( ) { } Pound Sign Dollar Sign Euro Sign Hash Sign Equal Sign Exclamation Mark Hyphen Open Bracket Close Bracket Open Curly Bracket Close Curly Bracket

% Percent Sign ? ; ~ _ | Question Mark Section Sign Semicolon Tilde Underscore Vertical Bar

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User Tip: Punctuation

Dont worry too much about punctuation when you first start using Dragon, as long as you remember to say fullstop after a sentence, you can go back & edit it later .
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