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Young Government Leaders

President’s Corner
November 2008 Hello YGL Members,
Volume 2, Issue 1
The new Executive Board took over the helm of Young Government
Leaders (YGL) last month and we have exciting plans for this year!
Inside this Issue
First and foremost, YGL will be launching a new website in the next
President’s few months that will allow members to create profiles, post
1 Corner:
Welcoming Letter
information, and communicate with each other on-line. We will also be
starting our first ever "flash-mentoring" program in 2009 to connect our
Announcing the members with more senior government officials to offer professional
2-3 2008-2009 YGL
Executive Board
career management advice.*

In addition, YGL is now a recognized non-profit and has received our

first sponsorship from Aetna, with whom we will be offering a
4 Web 2.0 Event
scholarship to federal employees. We will also continue to provide
you with valuable professional, volunteer, and social events. Take a
Surviving the little time to read about our new board and some of the events we
5 Presidential
have hosted in the past several months or better yet, come out and
meet some other fun young feds at our events!

6 YGL Road Show YGL has come a long way from its humble beginnings in 2003 as a
happy hour crowd from 10 different agencies. We now can boast over
Aetna Reminds Us 1800 members and monthly professional, social, and volunteer
Its Open Season events. As the only young fed-founded and young fed-run
7 Featured Event:
organization, we offer a unique opportunity for those interested in
meeting other federal employees passionate about civil service and
Lily Whitman
improving the federal government. Consider joining one of our
Transforming committees and getting more involved. With the new executive
8 Government branch leadership, now more than ever should be an important time to
give voice to the next generation of government leaders!
Happy Fiscal New
9 Year! Kate Walker, Chair
Young Government Leaders
Educate. Inspire. 2007-2009

Young Government Leaders

*If you are interested in learning about the program or how you can
participate, contact Karla Allen at

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
YGL Newsletter – November 2008
2008 YGL Accomplishments
Financial Committee Chair
Over the past year, YGL accomplished quite a bit. Marissa Pretto, HRSA
Here are some highlights: “YGL is a great way to get involved that's related
• YGL became a recognized non-profit to your current work and potential career paths as
organization! well. Working with YGL reminds you that you can
inspire, infuse new ideas, and motivate your
• The YGL network expanded to six states colleagues in the federal workplace.”
nationwide! Visit young feds in Bethesda,
Boston, Cleveland, Denver, Hampton Social Networking Committee Chair
Roads, and Harrisburg. Mary Morrison, GSA
• The YGL Road Show visited eight “YGL is one case that proves Federal Service is
agencies to talk to current federal fun and challenging, and the young people are
employees about YGL and how to reach our country’s future to make the difference.”
out to young people in government.
• YGL hosted at least one professional Professional Development Committee Co-
development event each month! (Read Chairs: Elizabeth A. Royal, State, and Caro
about some of them in this newsletter.) Spiro, DOD
• YGL received a $15,000 three-year Elizabeth says: “My vision for the Professional
sponsorship from Aetna! Development Committee is to develop and offer
• YGL received a $50,000 in-kind donation quality programs that appeal to the various needs
from Mind and Media to develop a new of the government employee and those who
website! desire to work for the government. I want our
committee to offer the best programs and
2008-2009 YGL Executive Board resources to anyone interested in government
YGL recently elected its 2008-2009 Executive Cara says: “I would like for our committee to have
Board. The new board members share some of skilled members who can chair events with full
their thoughts about YGL and their committee autonomy. In addition, I would like our team to
below. If you are interested in working on any of have the manpower to coordinate a variety of
the committees or have ideas that could benefit events that target Young Government Leaders at
young government leaders nationwide, please various stages in their careers.”
email the Executive Board at Mentoring Program Coordinator
Karla Allen, BEA
Chair “As the Mentoring Coordinator, my vision is to
Kate Hudson Walker, GAO develop a successful mentoring program that
“As the President of Young Government Leaders, enhances the development of high quality and
I would like to see YGL become the "go-to" diverse federal workforce; promotes mentoring as
organization for anyone "new" to the federal an integral part of YGL organizational culture;
government and/or looking to meet other federal provides YGL members with a better
employees passionate about improving the understanding of the culture and organizational
business of government.” structure of the federal government; and assists
individuals in realizing their goals and potential.”
Tim Sommella, USCG Membership Committee Chair
“YGL is the only organization available to "young Bethany Petrofsky, USCG
to service" federal employees that gives voice to “As Membership Committee Chair, I would like to
our perspective as the next generation of federal see YGL's ranks grow so that all federal agencies
leaders. In addition, YGL provides a community are represented. But most importantly, I see this
to learn and connect with other public service position as an opportunity to keep members
employees to improve the federal government actively engaged in the organization. Based on
and our own professional careers.” the annual membership survey results, I would

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YGL Newsletter – NOV 2008
like to help oversee programs tailored to what the
members want and what would serve their
personal and professional needs the best.” Road Show Coordinator
Julie Saad, OPM
Communications Committee Chair “The Road Show Crew visits Federal agencies for
Margaret Watson, DON the purpose of (1) promoting YGL among agency
“Young leaders today know how to sort through staff, thus increasing YGL membership and
the barrage of information constantly thrown at exposure; and (2) highlighting the importance of
them. It will be up to the Communications recruiting and retaining young people, especially
Committee to make sure that interesting, relevant, as Baby Boomers begin to retire.”
and exciting information about YGL gets filtered
through to young government leaders and makes Strategic Planning Committee Chair
them take note.” Torrey Androski
“The Strategic Planning Committee will continue
Quarterly Newsletter Editor to assess the interests and needs of members
Raisa Dukas and stakeholders, looking for ways to improve our
“Young leaders today are constantly on the go. strategic priorities and translate them into
Our newsletter helps them stay in touch with YGL, concrete, actionable steps.”
both what we’ve done and what we’re planning for
them in the coming months.” Liaison Committee Chair
I.J. Ezeonwuka, USCG
Public Relations Manager “I hope to have the voice of Young Government
Chris Vaccaro, NOAA Leaders heard all around the country, not just in
“As public relations manager, I hope to expand Washington, DC.”
the public awareness and influence of YGL – its
vision, its activities, its membership – through
interactions with the media.”

Public Manager Liaison

Andrew Krzmarzick, USDA Meet the Newest Member
“I am eager to work with our partner The Public
Manager to identify and produce content for the
of the YGL Family!
magazine that offers fresh insight on topics that
matter to young government employees.” Nathan Kian Walker
Born Wednesday, November 5th
Information Technology Committee Chair
Shaun Khalfan, DON
“YGL serves as a catalyst for developing future
leaders who will ultimately improve federal
government. My vision is to have IT serve as an
enabler for achieving YGL's strategic goals.”

Congratulations, Kate, on your

beautiful baby boy!

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YGL Newsletter – November 2008
Web 2.0 Panel Highlights
Technology in Government
By Shaun Khalfan, YGL Chief Information Officer

More than 60 people from both public and private

sector joined YGL and our partners from the National
Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), The Public
Manager, and our corporate sponsor Cisco Systems
on October 22 to hear from a panel of experts about
how Web 2.0 is making its way into the government.
Panel members included:
• Frank DiGiammarino, Vice President of
Strategic Initiatives at NAPA • Culture change. The government needs to deliver
• Mary McCaffery, Senior Advisor to the Office and embrace collaborative technology. A citizen-
of Environmental Information at the centric model of service delivery is critical. Use
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) technology to reach out to American citizens for
• Andrew Krzmarzick, Senior Project ideas on improving government.
coordinator in Business Development at the • Closing the gap on transformation. NAPA’s
Graduate School, U.S. Department of website is an
Agriculture initiative aimed at leveraging the benefits of Web
• Alan Balutis, Director and distinguished fellow 2.0 and collaborative technology to solve
of CISCO’s Internet Business Solutions Group government’s complex problems.
• Web 2.0 successes. TSA blogging, the Puget
The panel explained that Web 2.0 has come to Sound Information Challenge, and Virtual Alabama
represent the growing movement to use the Internet as are some examples of success. For more insight
a virtual community, rather than just a means, for into Web 2.0 in the federal government, visit panel
collaboration. Web 2.0 concepts include social- member Andrew Krzmarzick’s blog:
networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, and blogs.

Increasingly, government agencies are recognizing the If you are eager to learn from leaders throughout the
power and appeal of Web 2.0 not just among young private and public sector, have ideas to share, or want
government employees, but throughout the to get involved in YGL, send me an e-mail
organization. Web 2.0 leads to more efficient ( for more information.
government by breaking down stovepipes, inspiring
innovation, and serving as an enabler for knowledge
sharing and management. YGL is fluent in Web 2.0!
Here are some more highlights from the event:
• Collaboration tools in your agency. Tie these tools
to the agency’s mission. Identify a technology
champion; either an owner or an audience. Decide
which tools will work best for your agency. Content
matters. It should be relevant, timely, and easy to
understand. Create a schedule to implement and
• Information sharing and collaboration. Use Web Read our bi-weekly blog:
2.0 to solicit and tag knowledge and facilitate
internet collaboration. People unfamiliar with
technology may want to contribute so make sure Become LinkedIn with YGL.
they get the right training. Don’t let technology get
in the way.
• Change in your agency. Do not empower the
Friend us on Facebook.
status quo. Focusing on the ‘who’ by bringing in a
wider array of stakeholders and create a real value Interact with us on GovLoop:
exchange. Embrace opportunities when they arise.

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YGL Newsletter – NOV 2008
Surviving the Presidential get acquainted with their new jobs, they are likely to
institute a hiring freeze that often lasts for several
Transition months.

The federal government has not experienced a So how should a young fed approach the next few
presidential transition in eight years. As a result, many months? Kamensky and Kumar provide the following
“young to government” professionals have not worked tips:
through a change in leadership and are curious about • Since agency management may lack clarity
what a presidential transition entails. early on, look to Office of Management and
Budget analysts for a sense of where things
In particular, they are interested in how the upcoming are headed in the new administration.
presidential transition will affect them, how to • During the transition, catch up on policy and
successfully manage the transition, and what prepare to be a resource to the newly
challenges face the next administration. appointed leadership.
• Put together a traditional resume to give new
To help answer these questions, Young Government leaders a snapshot of your background and
Leaders and the Partnership for Public Service invited skills.
John Kamensky, Senior Fellow with the IBM Center • Gather information from campaigns about your
for the Business of Government and the man behind policy area to prepare for potential changes in, and Martha Joynt direction.
Kumar, Political Science Professor at Towson
University and former director of the White House 2001
Project (, to discuss Check Out Your Boss-Elect!
their experiences and perspectives on managing the
next transition. Approximately 90 federal employees
attended the June forum.
Visit to get
the latest transition updates
Kamensky and Kumar noted that, since the 1947 and to read more about what
passage of the 22nd Amendment, presidents have
enjoyed only seventy-plus days between their election the POTUS-Elect plans to do in
and inauguration. This period is managed by a your agency.
transition team that will visit agencies and create
briefing books for the new administration. After the
inauguration, the president submits his nominations for
key posts. Generally, the transition ends about six
months after the inauguration.
Have new ideas for how to
One of the biggest tasks of the incoming administration transform government?
is the appointment and hiring of thousands of staff Join the dialogue at:
members. By some estimates, new presidents must fill
over 4,000 jobs – including over 1,100 requiring
Senate confirmation. The Obama administration is
making the application process for jobs easier by using
the internet to solicit candidates.

Don’t expect new agency heads to appear too soon.

On-boarding of new appointees can often be slowed
by an archaic vetting process through which only a
select few offices can receive immediate attention.

Executive agencies will face other slow-downs, as well.

There is a great deal of uncertainty during the
transition. Many agency functions – such as
procurement, promotion, and hiring – may grind to a
near halt. As the new president takes office, many
agencies will operate without appointed leaders, a time
Kamensky likened to “Home Alone.” While appointees YGL members at our October happy hour.

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YGL Newsletter – November 2008
YGL Hits the Road Where in the Fed is the
By Julie Saad, YGL Road Show Coordinator YGL Road Show?
A new YGL initiative began just under a year ago. We
call it the Road Show and it exists (1) to promote YGL
among agency staff, thus increasing YGL membership
and exposure; and (2) to highlight the importance of
recruiting and retaining young people in government,
especially as baby Boomers begin to retire.

Our Road Show brings YGL to a variety of Federal

agencies. We deliver formal presentations to agency
employees who are either young leaders interested
becoming more connected with other young feds or
human resources personnel who are interested in
attracting and retaining young leaders in government.

Through our visits this year, we have established a

strong Road Show “Crew” of more than 35 YGL
members who deliver the presentations and answer
agencies’ questions. In the last few months, our Crew
December 15th
has engaged employees at the Department of Defense Geospatial Intelligence Agency
(Civilian Personnel Management Service), Department Bethesda, MD
of Treasury (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network),
and the Government Accountability Office. More visits will be scheduled soon.
Over the course of the next year, we hope to further
Stay tuned!
strengthen our network and develop a strategic
outreach plan for visiting federal agencies. We will
tailor our presentation to each particular agency and
build upon our initial visits to establish an on-going
relationship with the agencies.
Looking for more YGL events?
If you are interested in the YGL Road Show, we
welcome your participation! There are many ways to
become involved. You can volunteer to present at an
agency or help to set-up a Road Show visit at your
agency. For more information, please contact: Julie
Check out our Calendar:
Saad, YGL Road Show Coordinator, by e-mailing:

The Collaboration Project:

Next Public Meeting
Dec 2nd at 3:00pm
The Collaboration Project is an independent forum of leaders committed to leveraging the interactive web and the
benefits of collaborative technology to solve government's complex problems. Powered by the National Academy
of Public Administration, this "wikified" space is designed to share ideas, examples and insights on the adoption of
Web 2.0 technologies in the field of public governance.

On November 3, The Collaboration Project held a public meeting featuring Dr. Bob Neilson, the Army's knowledge
management advisor to the CIO, who profiled the Service's recently-launched initiative to transform itself into a
more collaborative, knowledge-centric force. Notes and materials from the event are on the Project’s website

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YGL Newsletter – NOV 2008

Does my plan include any dental or vision benefits?

Aetna Reminds Us: Open Check to see if the plans you are looking at have any
of these benefits already built in. If so, you may be
Season Beginning Now! able to save $300-$600 in additional out of pocket
expenses or more.
How can I reduce the amount of money coming out of
my paycheck? Is it possible to save hundreds or even What additional “perks” are included in my plan? Some
thousands of dollars and still have great health benefits plans offer wellness incentives, discounts on gym
while still seeing my own doctors? memberships, vitamins, eyewear and lenses,
massages, and weight management programs, just to
Open Season is coming November 10 – December 8 name a few. Some enable you to save up to 38% on
and will give you the opportunity to review all of the glasses or have your gym membership cut in half, just
options available to you. Choosing a health plan can by being a member.
be confusing and a little overwhelming with 28 different
plans to review. Before selecting a plan, you should check the premium
costs, total benefits and your own medical costs and
A few easy steps can take some of the guesswork out anticipated health needs. This will help determine
of choosing a health benefits package to fit your which plan is right for you. Don’t be afraid to ask
medical and financial needs. Ask yourself these simple questions.
Choosing a health plan is a very important decision,
Is there a way I can save money while still receiving and you should be armed with as much information as
great coverage? Take a look at some of the PPO possible in order to make the right decision. Check out
Network Plans called Consumer Driven Health Plans the carrier’s websites. There is a lot of great
or High Deductible Health Plans with Health Savings information that can be found on these sites, and may
Account (HSA). These plans give you the opportunity help clear up some confusion.
to go to any doctor, since they have In-network and
Out-of-Network benefits. Last, but not least, attend your agency’s health fair, if
you can. Gather the materials from the plans you are
Of course, you’ll save money by staying in the network. interested in and compare them side by side. Get
Consumer Driven Health Plans provide a medical fund those last minute questions answered. You can also
to cover the costs of medical and pharmacy services go to for information on all the plans
before you pay any money out of your pocket. Plus, available to federal employees.
any unused funds in these accounts roll over to the
next year. Health Savings Accounts allow you to make If you don’t have time to go to your health fair or want
voluntary contributions to your account and get tax more information the Aetna plans, visit
deductions, Plus, the account is yours, even if you and check out the interactive Aetna ExpressLane to
change plans or jobs. learn how these plans work.


Wednesday Nov. 19, Reception at 5pm; Speaker 5:30pm – 6:30 pm
1301 K Street NW, Suite 450 (Metro Stop: McPherson Square)
Lily Whiteman is the author of the new, critically acclaimed How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job (Amacom Books). She
is also the careers columnist of Federal Times. In this informative, engaging session, you will learn proven strategies for
accelerating your advancement, boosting your salary and impressing federal hiring managers online, on paper and in
person. You won't find this potentially pivotal guidance elsewhere; Lily Whiteman dispenses the kind of practical, insider
advice you never learned in school, your friends don't know and your boss won't tell you.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
YGL Newsletter – November 2008
YGL Members Help OPM
Human Capital Management:
Transform Leadership Tool Federal Conference
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the November 19-21, 2008
human resources agency for the Federal Government, Sheraton National Hotel
believes developing leaders is the keystone to an Arlington, VA
exemplary workplace. The OPM Center for
Leadership Capacity Services (CLCS) is committed to
providing the training needed to cultivate and support John Palguta, Vice President of the
individuals on their quest to acquire leadership Coalition for Effective Change, and Vice
positions throughout the Federal Government. President for Policy at the Partnership for
Public Service, will speak on “Onboarding
OPM’s current leadership website hosts “The
– Moving into the Future by Improving the
Leadership Journey,” CLCS’ leadership model.
However, a usability study of the CLCS website Hiring Process".
( performed in July, 2008,
indicates users are unable to easily navigate the The HCMF conference is designed to
website, and thus become frustrated searching for address solutions for critical human capital
leadership opportunities.
issues facing Federal agencies.
OPM is looking to improve the site by developing a
new web-based leadership tool that will allow users to The main issues that will be addressed
create a personalized developmental plan. The goals include: recruiting & retention strategies,
of the tool will be: workforce planning, and government
• To enable Federal Government employees transitions with the new presidential
who wish to acquire leadership skills to chart
their developmental path administration.
• To improve the Federal Government’s ability to
foster and retain future leaders To register for this event visit
• To help OPM effectively communicate their, email
leadership courses and training, or call 1-888-
Ten YGL members participate in a focus group this
month to help OPM test out the tool before its release.
YGL members will provide their insights and thoughts
on what a leadership path should look like in the
Federal Government. Spotted!
If you have questions about the tool, please contact
Barbara Kaplan at

YGL members and friends at our October happy hour

at Buffalo Billiards in DuPont Circle.

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YGL Newsletter – NOV 2008
Happy Fiscal New Year! Get Published!
The new fiscal year started month. To celebrate, YGL YGL is looking for submissions to
and Young AFCEA-Bethesda hosted their 3 Annual
Fiscal New Year Party at Current in DuPont Circle. As
The Public Manager.
you can see from the photos (courtesy of Young
AFCEA-Bethesda) a good time was had by all! Our series with The Public Manager is
entitled "Young Professionals." We are
looking for submissions on proven best
practices related to recruiting and retaining
young leaders in public service. If you have
other ideas for articles relating to young
professionals, we're interested in them, too.

Send your ideas and submissions to

Calling All Writers!

If you've promised yourself you're going to work on that
novel, write that story, draft that essay, map out that
memoir--here's your opportunity.

Mark these dates on your calendar:

March 20 - 22, 2009
and plan your escape to this inspiring and productive
weekend writing retreat at the beach (just a short drive
from DC).

Weekend includes instruction, guided workshops and

writing exercises, free time to write, and individual
consultation from award-winning, published writer and
writing instructor.

Interested? For a specific description of program and

schedule, contact Joanne Lozar Glenn, 703.721.2088; Space is limited, so act now.

November Food Drive Happy Hour Look for these upcoming events!
November 20
6-8pm • Toys for Tots Holiday Happy Hour in Dec
At the Dubliner (520 N Capitol St, NW) • Dinner Program for Homeless Women with LEAD in January
Donate a non perishable food item for the
DC Food Bank to help families during this • Philanthropy 5K YGL Team in March/April
holiday season! • Servathon YGL Team in May

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YGL Newsletter – November 2008

Boston (MA)
Connecting with Young Alexandra Dew -
Nicholas Alexander -
Feds Outside of Leigh Nally -

Washington, DC Harrisburg (PA)

Laura Ritchey -
Do you live or work outside the Washington, DC area
and are looking for an organized way to meet other
Young Feds, either for happy hours, professional Cleveland (OH)
development events or volunteer opportunities? Michael Lipinski –

YGL has a network of young feds spread throughout Denver (CO)

the country. Contact our Liaison I.J Ezeonwuka for Beth Schubert -
more information. Get involved!
Bethesda (MD)
Email I.J Ezeonwuka at Ginny Hill – Michael Donovan -

Hampton Roads (VA)

Maria Carter -
Lushens McNamara -

About Young Government Leaders

Young Government Leaders is a professional organization of young to government men and women employed by
the Federal Government. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and transform the current and future leaders of the
Federal Government. Consisting of over 1,800 young feds at more than 30 different U.S. departments and agencies
our organization is committed to serving as a coordinated voice for the current and future generations of young
government leaders. For more information, check us out at:

Board Members
Kate Walker Elizabeth Royal I.J. Ezeonwuka
Chair Professional Development Liaison
Committee Co-Chair
Tim Sommella Margie Watson
Vice Chair Cara Spiro Communications Chair
Professional Development
Marissa Pretto Committee Co-Chair Chris Vaccaro
Financial Chair Public Relations Manager
Mary Morrison
Torrey Androski Social Networking Chair Raisa Dukas
Strategic Planning Chair Newsletter
Shaun Khalfan
Karla Allen IT Committee Chair Andrew Krzmarzick
Mentoring Program Public Manager Liaison
Coordinator Julie Saad
Road Show Coordinator
Bethany Petrosky
Membership Committee Chair

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