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Fluid Volume Excess Care Plan

Fluid Volume Excess

(_)Actual (_) Potential

[Check those that apply]

Related To:

(_) Decreased cardiac output (_) Low protein intake (_) Liver disease (_) Inflammatory process (_) Steroid therapy

(_) Medications:_______________________ (_) Excess fluid intake (_) Sodium intake more than adequate (_) Other:_____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

As evidenced by:
[Check those that apply]

Major: (_) Edema (Must be present) (_) Taught, shiny skin

Date & Sign.

Plan and Outcome

[Check those that apply]

Target Date:

Nursing Interventions
[Check those that apply]

Date Achieved:

The patient will:(_) Have decreased edema in extremities. (_) Other:

(_) Reduce or eliminate causative contributing factors:_________ ________________________(_) Assess location and severity of edema q ____ hours. (_) Measure intake and output. (_) Measure edematous extremity(ies) or abdominal girth q __. (_) Daily weights each ____ am/pm using same scale. (_) Elevate _______ extremity(ies) ____ degrees. (_) Passive/active range of motion exercises of _______ q ___ hours. (_) Avoid constrictive clothing. (_) Explore with patient potential etiological factors for edema and provide health teaching. (_) Other:________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

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