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Financial Perspective

Objective: To provide sound financial stewardship -overtime control; -reduction in operational costs of the Customer Service Department; -reduction in prosecution expenses and litigation costs;

Internal Business Process Perspective

Objective: To deliver value for money services -reduction in processing time for complaints handling; -streamlining of processes for dealing with all types of complaints; -Increase operational effectiveness; -Monthly maintenance of customer database; -Regular upgrades of 'Complaints Handling Software'; -Publication of target set for each service delivered to customers

Objective: To develop a customer focus and satisfy all customers -% of citizens satisfied with the council's responsiveness; -% of citizens who feel they can influence decisions in their locality; -% satisfaction of business operators with council's regulatory services; -number of persons attending council's organised events and festivals per year; -% change in number of complaints received; -improvement in work environment; -improvement in information and communication facitlitites.

Balanced Scorecard of Customer Service Department Objective: To achieve continuous performance

improvement -number of electronic service delivery receipts as a % of total receipts; -number of complaints/requests received through the portal as a % of total number of complaints/requests received; -increase in targeted training to customer service department staff; -investment in improving work environment and infrastructure .

Customer Perspective

Learning and Growth Perspective

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