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IN this world very important Many countries in this decade ,and in many centuries have desire to be number one

for power:china ,USA,IRAKETC. They looking power in arms and in fightings,but a realy fightings are in soul of peoples in this countries.more money are goings for arms ,but a realy arm are in LOVING. Many peoples and children suffering illness incurable,many parents with childrens in arms in hospitals,many mother wich have needs to LOVE and CARE. MONEY ,MONEY MONEY..must be have substitute :LOVE,LOVE,LOVE. Why we not transfom money in LOVE? WHY we not invest to transform all in loving?because not trying to invest in discover a new medicine for many illness patience?What make from us peoples?Egoist intrestings?I dont thing so?? Mother EARTH suffer,the nature suffer.Its our duty in all countries ,to make PEACE,and promote a real LOVE in our countries.One man can lay another man,but never ,never ..NATURE. A child suffer when he not give love.Everyone are a particule from this earth. I love among flowers In the night falling Your smile warms me up And believe that in all surrounding My soul loves. Its full moon on the starry skies And Im gazing at it Give me light and hope In all surrounding. When the night is away And the evening passed by Im awake and start my way With love fulfilling my heart. I love among flowers happiness, respect, love The whole flowers and values I base my life on.

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