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Brand Awareness Questionnaire

APRIL 28, 2011 in BR A N D QU E STI ON N A IR E

Brand awareness questionnaires test the knowledge of the customer about the various marketing aspects of the products of a firm. This confirms whether the marketing strategies of the firm are working according to the expectations. Brand awareness affects the market share and the financial results of a firm. This questionnaire can use pictures and graphics to test whether customer can identify the products.

Brand Awareness Questionnaire Sample:

Name: Address: ____________________ ____________________

Phone Number: ____________________ Email id: ____________________

Q1. When you hear about a product category, can you recall our products? a) Yes b) No Q2. What is the serial number of our product in the brand recall order? a) 1

b) 2 c) 3 d) More than 3 e) None Q3. Which products of our company are you aware of? __________________________________________ ______________ Q4. Which of the following is true for our product? a) It is a niche product targeting to only a particular segment b) It is a commodity product c) It has a differentiation strategy for different segments d) None

Sample copy of questionnaire: To study the brand performance of Lux bath soap1. 1.Name: 2. Gender:Male Female 3. Occupation: 4. Family monthly income:Up to 10000 10000-15000 15000-20000 20000-35000 Above 500005. 5.Location:(Address & contact no.) 6. Age:15-25 25-35 35-45 45 and above 7. Family type:joint Nuclear

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