Ejercicios Refuerzo Unidades 1 A 9 Respuestas

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Circle the word that doesnt belong.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Hair: curly straight petite spiky Appearance: arrogant gorgeous pretty good-looking Personality: sociable friendly outgoing average Weight: well-built calm slim heavy

Match the words in A to their opposites in B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A curly good-looking tall thin honest fair shy hard-working

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

B short outgoing straight dark dishonest lazy fat ugly

Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the italicised words.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Children who are polite always / never say please and thank you. Women often use make-up / computers to make themselves more attractive. A successful person does well / poorly. Although our car is old, its reliable and often / rarely breaks down. He is a mature child. He acts younger / older than his age.

Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Add a prefix (in-, dis, un- or im-) when necessary.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My (considerate) neighbour often disturbs me by listening to loud music. (sociable) people dont usually like to go to parties. My sister is still (dependent) on my parents. She hasnt got a job and she lives at home. Ricky never tells lies. He is very (honest). Daniel can never find what hes looking for. He is so (organised). Dont be so (patient) with him! Hes only five years old.

Match A to B to form sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A Shy people Stubborn people Immature people Patient people Cheerful people Moody people

.... .... .... .... .... ....

a. b. c. d. e. f.

B may find it difficult to make new friends. are happy most of the time. dont mind waiting. want things done their way. may suddenly become angry or sad. frequently behave childishly.




Complete the advertisements with the words below. Use each word once.

attractive adventurous outgoing average calm polite cheerful

Cambridge Model Agency

Wanted: good-looking young men and women to work as models. If you are (1) and you are taller than (2) , please send your photo to: modelagency@cambridge.com

Looking for a telephone operator at a busy call centre Can you stay (3) under pressure? Have you got a good telephone voice? Can you be (4) , even to rude callers? Then call us at: (0808) 157 0342

Summer Camp Leader

If > you like sport. > you are an (5) person not afraid to try new experiences. > you enjoy meeting new people and have got an (6) personality. > you smile and are (7) most of the time. Then YOU are the perfect summer camp leader! Come and work for us! Call today: Active summer camps (1 904) 64 8342




Complete the table with the time expressions and adverbs of frequency below.

today now often on Sundays every year tomorrow night this morning at this moment twice a week usually Present Simple Present Continuous

Choose the correct answer.

1. They go to church . a. at this moment

b. now

c. on Sundays c. today c. twice a week c. often c. twice a week

2. I . listen to classical music. a. every year b. often 3. My dad is making pancakes for breakfast . a. this morning b. usually 4. We are flying to Germany . a. on Sundays b. tomorrow night 5. My friends go shopping . a. at this moment b. now

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What are you cooking? It smells / is smelling wonderful. What time do you usually go / are you usually going to bed? Be quiet! The baby sleeps / is sleeping. How often do you visit / are you visiting your grandmother? In most US schools, the students dont wear / arent wearing uniforms. Turn off the television. The children dont watch / arent watching it. You dont need an umbrella this morning. It doesnt rain / isnt raining. He is a vegetarian. He doesnt eat / isnt eating meat. Right now, the president meets / is meeting some important people. Tom has got a car now so he doesnt walk / isnt walking to school any more.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

My mother (wash) her car every weekend. I (do) an English grammar exercise at this moment. The British sometimes (eat) fish and chips for dinner. My friends and I (go) shopping tomorrow. On Saturdays, I (not get up) till 12.00. Our teacher is ill. She (not work) today.

Write the questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. ................................................................................................................................ Yes, he loves chocolates. 2. ................................................................................................................................ They live in Paris. 3. ................................................................................................................................ The children are playing tennis. 4. ................................................................................................................................ Im wearing a coat because it is cold outside. 5. ................................................................................................................................ She finishes school at 3.30. 6. ................................................................................................................................ Yes, she is leaving tonight.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. She (not go) swimming with her friends today because she (not know) how to swim. She (want) to learn and she (wait) for the swimming course to start next month. 2. Teacher: Graham, you (listen) to me? Student: Yes, Mrs Black, but I still (not understand) the story. 3. The world (get) warmer and most world leaders (believe) that this is a big problem. Next month, many of these leaders (meet) to talk about the problem.




Circle the word that doesnt belong.

1. 2. 3. 4.

sunscreen swimsuit sleeping bag surfboard tent wetsuit backpack hiking boots snorkel skis boots jacket museum restaurant shopping centre pocketknife

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

If you are going to snorkel in cold water, wear a money belt / wetsuit. When flying to the USA, you mustnt take more than two suitcases / binoculars. I never travel without a travel guide / agent in my backpack. Todays travellers are more likely to send e-mails than souvenirs / postcards. Dont forget to take extra batteries for your pocketknife / torch.

Match the words in A to the examples in B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A school trip souvenirs travel documents seaside items local restaurants

.... .... .... .... ....

a. b. c. d. e.

B a plate from Venice, a stone from the beach, a T-shirt from New York Sammys Fish Bar, The Steakhouse, Paulos Pizza go to the theatre, visit a museum, go hiking surfboard, wetsuit, sunscreen passports, tickets, visas

Complete the sentences with the words below.

first-aid kit raincoat sightseeing camera sunglasses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lets rest today. Tomorrow we can go . Remember to take your so you can take lots of photos. Its important to take a when you go hiking, just in case someone gets hurt. I always wear to protect my eyes in the summer. He forgot to take his and his clothes got very wet.

Match A to B to form sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A With 24 beds in each room, it is very cheap to stay in this basic We built a fire when we arrived at the The service was wonderful and there was so much to do in this You can travel from place to place and sleep in your own You can turn your home into a successful .. e. campsite.

..... ..... ..... .....

a. b. c. d.

B resort. caravan. bed and breakfast. youth hostel.




Complete the text with the words in Exercise 5, column B.

When my friends and I go on holiday, we cant afford to stay at an expensive (1) , so we stay at a (2) with lots of other young people. Once we stayed at a (3) , but I hated sleeping in someone elses home. I like being outdoors and would like to buy a tent and stay at a (4) . My friends parents are thinking of buying a (5) because they like to travel but dont want to sleep in a tent.

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

They set up / set off on their trip early this morning. She always closes her eyes when the plane takes off / gets to. Lets check in / set off our suitcases. He got to / took off the hotel at midnight. I checked in / set up my new computer before I went on holiday.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

travel expenses travel arrangements boat trip business trips 1. 2. 3. 4. My dad goes on lots of abroad. She made her on the Internet. I have always dreamed of going on a on the River Thames. Her company pays all her when she travels.




Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where did you buy / were you buying your tent? My brother bought / was buying me a gift while he shopped / was shopping. Why didnt you sleep / werent you sleeping at 3.00 am? While the children played / were playing, their parents talked / were talking. As I walked / was walking to the bus stop, the bus drove / was driving past me.

Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

in 1990 while when at 6.00 pm yesterday morning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The baby was crying his mother went into his room. we were playing football, our father was cleaning the house. My mums car is very old. She bought it . It started to rain , so we went inside and made dinner. , my best friend went to France on holiday.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. 2. 3. 4.

While he (shave), he (cut) himself. She (break) her nail while she (clean) the house. While Adam (look) for his keys, he (find) his glasses. Rosa (meet) her boyfriend while she (travel) in India.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Perfect Simple.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

By the time she reached the airport, she (miss) the plane. They (learn) the play by heart before they performed it on the stage. he (go) to sleep by 11 oclock? The film already (start) before he arrived at the cinema. How much homework he (finish) when you arrived?

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4.

They studied / had studied Portuguese for a year before they travelled / had travelled to Brazil. My parents decided / had decided to visit India after they saw / had seen a documentary about the Taj Mahal. By the time they reached / had reached the station, their train left / had left. Naturally they were upset. Nick was hungry when the plane landed / had landed at the airport because he didnt eat / hadnt eaten on the flight.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.

They (not finish) packing their suitcase when their taxi (arrive). They (be) friends for five years before they (get) married. Clara (try) to study while her brother (play) his drums. Mr Brown (cross) the street when a car (hit) him. They (read) the whole travel guide before they (go) on their trip. Why you (cry) when I (see) you yesterday?

Write questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. ........................................................................................................................... Victor was visiting a museum while we were eating. 2. ........................................................................................................................... Ingrid had bought souvenirs before we arrived. 3. ........................................................................................................................... Toni was working at the bank when he met Eva. 4. ........................................................................................................................... Mr Duncan had smoked 20 cigarettes a day before he stopped smoking. 5. ........................................................................................................................... My parents went sightseeing in Paris in the summer. 6. ........................................................................................................................... I didnt wear a jacket because it was warm outside.




Look at the table and answer the questions below.

Recent World Cup Finals Year 2006 2002 1998 1994 1990 1986 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Winner Italy Brazil France Brazil West Germany Argentina Runner-up France Germany Brazil Italy Argentina West Germany Score Before Penalties 1-1 2-0 3-0 0-0 1-0 3-2 3-2 Penalties 5-3

Which team beat Brazil? Which team was the runner-up in 1990? In which years was there a draw before penalties? , How many goals did Argentina score in the 1986 game? Which team won the competition in 2006?

Complete the sentences with the bold words from Exercise 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In the 2006 match, there was a between Italy and France before penalties. Between 1986 and 2006, Brazil twice. West Germany Argentina in 1990. Germany was the in 2002. Argentina didnt any goals in the 1990 game.

Replace the words in bold with the words below.

take up entered talented match train 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She has to practise four times a week. Anna is a very good tennis player. Their team won the rugby game. She was in her first swimming competition when she was only 8 years old. My sister decided to start horse-riding last year.

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Alan is determined / disciplined to get 100% in his next test. At the end of the tennis game, she was so happy that she jumped over the net / basket. The boys in my team are disciplined / talented. They always listen to the coach. Some students enjoy a pitch / challenge, but others prefer not to do anything difficult. You must wear a helmet / court when you skate or cycle. My father loves going volleyball / fishing, but I dont enjoy it. I keep fit / kick by cycling to school every day. He is totally determined / dedicated to the sport. 9




Match the sports to the correct category.

fishing tennis athletics cycling gymnastics skating windsurfing hockey swimming football volleyball go play do

Choose the correct answer.

1. Bob is so competitive that he . a. gets upset when he loses 2. In order to keep fit, Jane . a. runs 2 kilometres a day

b. always enjoys playing the game b. watches the news on TV

3. Wow! I think hes going to break a record because . a. he is running so fast b. he is playing volleyball 4. She crossed the finish line first and . a. lost the race. b. won the race. 5. When cycling, you should wear a helmet . a. to protect your head b. to protect your legs 6. You play tennis on a . a. track b. court





Write the past participle of the irregular verbs.

Base Form 1. put 2. break 3. drink 4. choose 5. give 6. know put

Past Simple

Past Participle

broke drank chose gave knew

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Williams sisters (play) tennis since they were very young. He always (enjoy) camping holidays. you (feed) the dog yet this morning? My brother never (see) a rainbow. The Andorra football team (not win) the World Cup. I (not finish) my homework yet.

Choose the correct time expression.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Have you bought tickets for the basketball game yet / just? My parents have been to Italy twice but they have ever / never been to Germany. You dont have to stop at the supermarket. I have yet / already done the shopping. Be careful, the floor is wet. I have just / never washed it. Have you yet / ever ridden a horse?

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She has lived in Paris for / since nearly a year. The Los Angeles Lakers have won the NBA championship several times for / since 1947. David Beckham hasnt played football in Spain for / since July 2007. Im so hungry. I havent eaten anything for / since this morning. Her parents are angry because she has been on the telephone for / since two hours.





Write the questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. ........................................................................................................................... Yes, my sister has joined the judo club. 2. ........................................................................................................................... No, the children havent gone to bed. 3. ........................................................................................................................... The dog has hidden his bone in the garden. 4. ........................................................................................................................... She has baked a pie today. 5. ........................................................................................................................... Mrs Green has won the lottery.

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Did they visit / Have they visited their grandparents last week? My uncle lived / has lived in Canada for eight years and is very happy there. He didnt check / hasnt checked his e-mails yet. When did they finish / have they finished the test? Irene broke / has broken her leg yesterday. The twins were / have been ill for a week. I hope they get better soon. My brother didnt have / hasnt had his lunch yesterday. Where were you / have you been lately?

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mr Smith (never teach) English before. Robert (drive) to London two days ago. you (go) to the football match last week? I (not wash) the dishes yet. you ever (see) such a beautiful car? My friend (already give) his work to the teacher. Nancy (not drink) enough water yesterday. Mrs Black (recently write) a new book.





Circle the words which are positive for the environment. Underline the words which are negative for the environment.

pollutants recycle smoke toxic waste environmentally-friendly exhaust fumes renewable energy global warming conservation

Are the pairs of words opposites (O) or synonyms (S)?

.... .... .... .... ....

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

destroy save toxic waste poisonous chemicals damage harm rubbish litter overuse underuse

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Thousands of fish and water birds died as a result of the oil spill / landfill. We should buy cars that use less petrol / smoke. Many people are trying hard to put an end to environmentally-friendly / global warming. Every family can try to reduce the amount of rubbish / smoke that they throw out. We show that we care about / harm our environment by recycling. Some farmers use chemicals / landfills to make fruit grow bigger. By using recycled paper, we can help prevent deforestation / pollutants. Pollution combined with toxic waste could lead to conservation / ecological disaster.

Match the words in A to the definitions in B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A multinational underestimate anti-smoking renewable interconnected overuse

.... .... .... .... .... ....

a. b. c. d. e. f.

B replaces itself naturally two things that are joined together do or take something too much against the use of cigarettes guess a number that is too low in many countries

Choose the correct prefix to match the definitions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

against violence: anti- / multi- violence food that is not cooked enough: over / under cooked doing many tasks at the same time: inter / multi- tasking turn on again: re / anti- start competition between different schools: inter / over school contest works too hard: anti- / over worked





Match the sentences in A to the results in B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A Factories dump their toxic waste in the sea. Cars and lorries give off exhaust fumes. People throw their rubbish on the ground. People cut down too many trees. People use only the things they need. Instead of throwing things away, rubbish is reused.

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

a. b. c. d. e. f.

B Land pollution increases. Deforestation increases. Water pollution increases. Conservation increases. Recycling increases. Air pollution increases.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

landfills recycle protect exhaust fumes toxic destroy increase 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. from cars are a major cause of air pollution. Most countries bury their rubbish in . If we continue to the environment, wild animals will have nowhere to live. There has been an in the number of cars on the roads. My fathers company is able to plastic bottles by making garden furniture from them. Many countries bury their waste in unpopulated areas. We need to endangered animals.





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

An old man just got on the bus. I will give / am going to give him my seat. We will have / are going to have a big history test next week. I am hungry. I think I will eat / am going to eat something. He is beginning / will begin skating lessons tomorrow. They will buy / are going to buy a new sofa soon. My friends are preparing / will prepare a meal for their parents tomorrow night.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple or be going to.

1. Ron is fast. He (win) the race. 2. That soup smells delicious. I think I (have) some. 3. Have you cleaned your room yet? No, not yet. I (clean) it tomorrow. 4. What are your plans for the weekend? I (have) some friends over. 5. Lisa tells her sister a secret and says, Promise you (not tell) Mum. 6. Where you (put) that picture? I think you should hang it on that wall. 7. Can you come to my house tonight? We (watch) a great film. 8. Lets go to the party. It (be) fun.

Write sentences with the words below.

1. 7.00 / going / leave / morning / they / to / tomorrow / are / at / . ................................................................................................................................ 2. will / the / take place / where / meeting / ? ................................................................................................................................ 3. party / invite / Bill / Sara / to / wont / her / . ................................................................................................................................ 4. recycling / going / build / when / are / centre / the / they / to / ? ................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple, the Present Continuous or be going to. There may be more than one possible answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Are you thirsty? Dont worry, I (bring) you a glass of water. He is training because he (take part) in the next Winter Olympics. My parents (fly) to Greece tomorrow morning. What you (wear) for the party next week? It probably (rain) in London next week.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous.

1. 2. 3. 4.

At this time tomorrow, I (sit) on the plane to New York. The technician (come) to check the telephone system tomorrow morning. the film (start) in a few minutes? Maria Tanner (not perform) the leading role in todays show. 15

1. 2. 3. 4.



Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect Simple.

By this time next year, I (lose) 15 kilos. Give them more time. They (not finish) the assignment by Tuesday. Next January, my parents (be) married for 30 years. scientists (find) a cure for cancer by the year 2050?

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How will I recognise him? He will be wearing / will have worn a green shirt. Lets hope that we will be stopping / will have stopped global warming by the year 2025. The film starts at 8.00 and finishes at 10.00, so at 9.00 we will be watching / will have watched it. The President is ill so he wont be attending / wont have attended the meeting this evening. If he wins the Oscar this year, he will be winning / will have won three awards.





Match A to B to form sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A My friend sent me Lets meet and have If we cant meet, lets speak on You can give your opinion by writing In the evening, my friends and I chat Im not home now so just send

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

a. b. c. d. e. f.

B a letter to the newspaper. the phone. a text message. me an e-mail. a face-to-face conversation. online.

Choose the correct answer.

1. In most schools around the world, children learn to speak at least one . a. bad language b. foreign language c. sign language 2. Although his mother speaks only Italian, Peter is . He speaks English and Italian fluently. a. translated b. misunderstood c. bilingual 3. Dina always about the food her mother makes. a. complains b. apologises 4. I would like to a moment of your time. a. warn b. request c. blames c. chat

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

She had a car accident because she ignored / translated the Stop sign. Her German is less fluent / slang than her French. I said 15 - not 50! You discussed / misunderstood me. The weatherman blamed / warned that a storm was coming. Lets go online this evening and have a chat / face-to-face conversation. In case of emergency, please contact / blame Mrs C Smith. Go and request / apologise to that boy right now. You obviously hurt his feelings.

Replace the words in bold with the phrasal verbs below.

get by cut in passed down get across pass on pick up get through 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I havent got a lot of money but I manage. The best way to understand this game is to learn the rules as you play. Talented dancers are able to use movement to communicate their feelings. I tried to call the office six times but I couldnt reach them. Please spread the good news to everyone you know. Its not polite to interrupt when someone else is speaking. This ring was given to my mother and then to me.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Choose the correct answer to complete the collocations.

Sign / Body language is used mainly by the deaf. In Switzerland, there are four foreign / official languages. Pupils who use body / bad language will be sent home. Polish is his official / first language. He grew up in Poland. Your body / sign language usually gives away how you truly feel.

Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below.

keep in touch bilingual slang mother tongue discuss translate fluent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It is difficult to some words from one language into another. Her father speaks to her in French and her mother in Italian. She is totally . Dont shout at me. If you have a problem, lets it. You should never use when you write a formal letter. His English is more than his French or German. My best friend moved far away but we still . Although she was born in Germany, English is her since her mother is British.





Circle the relative pronoun and underline the noun it describes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I have a friend who lives in Paris. This is the book which I told you about. We ate in a restaurant where the waiters sing and dance. That is the man whose wife died. The 4th of July is the day when Americans celebrate independence. Those are the flowers that my father bought.

Match A to B to form sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A They say New York is a city She works for an airline There are many Americans She took him to a doctor They met in 1943

..... ..... ..... ..... .....

a. b. c. d. e.

B when the country was at war. who speak Spanish. whose speciality is treating back pain. where people never sleep. which has got offices all over the world.

Choose the correct relative pronoun.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

They met outside the house which / where / whose the party was held. Whats the name of the artist who / which / when painted the Mona Lisa? Her father didnt like the car who / when / that her mother had chosen. The girl who / whose / that bicycle was stolen is terribly upset. Thats the book who / which / where he recommended. Have you met the couple who / which / where want to buy the house? I remember the day where / which / when my brother was born.

Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She knows Antonio Bear, is an excellent translator. He uses American Sign Language, is different from British Sign Language. The Bahamas, my friends have gone on holiday, is supposed to be beautiful. His father, mother tongue is English, speaks French quite well. Molly was born in 1996, my sister was just one.





Combine the sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets. Make any necessary changes.

1. She fell in love with a boy. His father works in Africa. (whose) ................................................................................................................................ 2. That is the shop. I bought my new shoes there. (where) ................................................................................................................................ 3. Ill never forget that day. I first saw you then. (when) ................................................................................................................................ 4. Where can I find a shop? It sells drumsticks. (which) ................................................................................................................................ 5. This is the guide. He will take you on a tour of the city. (who) ................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun. There may be more than one possible answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do you know anyone speaks Welsh? She uses her computer, is in her living room, to keep in touch with her family. Eric met a boy father works in Hong Kong. My family travelled to Japan, my grandmother is living. Abigail teaches judo, is her favourite sport. I miss the days we had so much free time.





Which of the following words and expressions have got positive or negative meanings?

respect offend appropriate rude cultural taboo tolerant Positive 1. 2. 3. Negative 4. 5. 6.

Complete the sentences with the words or expressions in Exercise 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Always parents and teachers. Try to be of your younger sisters and brothers. Never interrupt when someone is speaking. Its . Be careful that your behaviour does not anyone. In some cultures, there isnt a against eating dogs. For a hike in the hills, high-heeled shoes are not .

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Not all Californians fit the pop culture / stereotype of being tall and blonde. The children found it hard to adapt / respect to their new school. Liberal / Conservative people are open to new ideas. The dance festival was the main cultural taboo / cultural event of the year. When they first arrive in a new country, immigrants usually experience democracy / culture shock. When millions of people follow a certain fashion in clothes or music, it becomes pop culture / multicultural. Islam is the major religion / smallest population of Saudi Arabia. England is a nationality / monarchy, even though the Queen has little power. Its respectful / offensive to stand when the judge enters the courtroom.





Choose the correct continuation.

1. This ring is unique. a. Its much too big. b. There isnt another one like it. 2. The guests behaviour was offensive. a. He was careful to be very polite. b. Clearly, he wasnt familiar with their culture. 3. Dont judge her. a. You dont know anything about her life. b. Shes not an honest person. 4. John is very respectful. a. He gets angry easily. b. Hes always polite to old people. 5. It was a very diverse group. a. There were people of all ages and cultures. b. They were all British school students.

Find one answer that is INCORRECT.

1. Her language was . a. rude b. formal 2. People wore clothing. a. tolerant b. diverse 3. We live in a society. a. multicultural b. national 4. Im sorry. I dont speak . a. Holland b. Turkish

c. cultural c. appropriate c. conservative c. Chinese

Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form of the words in brackets. Add a suffix (-al, -able, -ful, -ous, -ive or -ate).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Michael Crichton is a (fame) writer. They have got a very (attract) garden. Our visit to New York was (enjoy). The whole evening was just (magic). They arrived in Paris on a (beauty) sunny day. Our neighbours are pleasant, (consider) people.

Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.

1. Marie is from Ireland, and her boyfriend is from Italy. Marie is and her boyfriend is . 2. Dans mother comes from Holland and his father from Switzerland. Dans mother is and his father is .





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The doctor says I might / must get more exercise. You look great in brown. You should / can wear it more often. His arm is broken, so he isnt able to / may not write. Tomorrow is a holiday, so we mustnt / dont have to get up early. When you are on a diet, you ought to / could drink a lot of water. He stopped the car so he should / could rest for a while.

Choose the correct continuation.

1. You may borrow the book. a. Ive finished reading it. 2. Greg shouldnt marry Katie. a. Shes already married. 3. She mustnt drive home. a. She drank beer at the party. 4. I dont have to cook dinner. a. Ive never learned to cook.

b. Its a good idea. b. He doesnt love her. b. Her brother took the car. b. Were going out for a meal.

Complete the sentences with the modals below.

may must cant could should 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You come to us for dinner. I wont accept no for an answer. I have a piece of cake, please? He reach it. Hes not tall enough. You always brush your teeth before you go to sleep. I make people laugh when I was young.

Replace the words in bold with the words below.

neednt mustnt ought to have to might couldnt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tess should help her mother more. Im not sure, but she may be French. In some countries, girls are forbidden to uncover their faces in public. You dont have to explain. You must be careful not to offend them. Im sorry we werent able to come.

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4.

The restaurant isnt as busy as I expected. We mustnt have / might not have / neednt have reserved a table. Jay looks happy. He could have / must have / ought to have passed his driving test. Im so tired this morning. I couldnt have / neednt have / shouldnt have gone to bed so late. You could have / must have / may have called to tell us you were coming.





Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative modal perfect form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.

1. Why didnt you write? You (send) an e-mail or an SMS. 2. You missed a great film last night. You (come) with us. 3. Its only nine oclock. They (go) to bed yet. 4. My dictionary isnt in my bag. I (leave) it at home. 5. The train wont be here for ages. We (get) here so early.

Choose the correct answer.

Danny is clever. He could read / could have read when he was five. We must have remembered / must remember to buy drinks for the party tonight. You shouldnt buy / shouldnt have bought that gift. It was much too expensive. That boy plays the piano really well. He might become / might have become a professional pianist one day. 5. I found the book easily. You couldnt look / couldnt have looked very hard for it. 6. The dog must eat / must have eaten the steak because no one else was at home.

1. 2. 3. 4.





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

You forgot to plug in / log into the toaster. No wonder it isnt working. Could you please turn up / turn on the TV? Id like to watch the news. Please switch off / cut off the lights when you leave the room. You need to turn on / log into the website in order to download music. If your electricity is cut off / plugged in, use your torch. Please turn up / turn down the radio. I love that song. Turn on / Turn down the music. Its too loud.

Complete the sentences with the expressions below.

make a backup copy go online insert a disc highlight part of the text click on an icon access information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To means to use the Internet. The Internet is a great way to . To choose a computer function, you . To mark relevant information in an article you . To avoid a file getting lost, you should always . When you want to make a copy of a file, you can .

Choose the correct answer.

1. A clever managed to get into secret government programs. a. Palm Pilot b. hacker c. browser 2. Johnny decided to the music onto a disc. a. download b. switch off c. plug in 3. My friend writes programs for a big computer company. a. webcam b. iPod c. software 4. The will quickly copy this page onto your computer. a. memory b. scanner c. laptop

Match the words in A to the examples in B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A a kind of computer game a part of a website a search engine a computer part a personal organiser

..... ..... ..... ..... .....

a. b. c. d. e.

B Google Palm Pilot virtual reality memory home page





Susan Pitt is at a job interview. Complete the conversation with the words below.

headphones user-friendly laptop computer-literate USB flash drive Employer: Susan: Employer: Susan: Employer: Susan: Employer: Susan: Employer: Susan: Employer: Good morning, Miss Pitt. It says on your CV that you are (1) . Thats right. Ive used a computer for years. Are you familiar with Excel? No, Im not. But Im sure I could learn it easily. I understand there is a (2) program which teaches Excel. Yes, there is. In fact we could give you a copy. But you will need to learn it at home. Have you got a computer? Yes. Ive got a (3) . Thats good. If we hire you, I will download the program onto a (4) . Have you got any questions for me? Actually, I have. I really like listening to music while I work. It helps me concentrate. Would that cause a problem? Many employees listen to music but they bring in their own (5) so they wont disturb anyone. That sounds fine. This seems like a wonderful place to work. Great! When can you start?

Answer the questions with the words below.

crash mouse memory virus 1. Which part of a computer is also a small animal? A . 2. What attacks people and computers? A . 3. Where do people and computers store information? In their . 4. What sometimes happens to computers and cars? They .





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

If you like this CD, Ill lend / I would lend it to you. You wont / wouldnt get lost if you had a GPS. Well discuss it if you come / will come over tonight. If he sends / sent me an e-mail, Id reply at once. Well miss the bus unless we will leave / leave now.

Choose the correct answer.

1. If you dont help me with the homework, . a. I wont be able to do it b. I wouldnt do it 2. John will take pictures of your family . a. unless he forgets his camera b. if you would ask him 3. If we saved some money, . a. we bought a new computer b. we could buy a laptop

Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

You wouldnt disturb people if you (wear) headphones. If she goes online, she (find) all the information she needs. Jack cant travel to America unless he (get) a passport. If I (have) a Palm Pilot to help me, I wouldnt be so well organised. Unless the police catch the thief, they (find) the jewels. What would you buy if you (win) the lottery?

Choose the correct meaning of each sentence.

1. If the dog hadnt barked, we wouldnt have known anyone was there. a. We didnt know anyone was there because the dog didnt bark. b. We knew someone was there because the dog barked. 2. Janet couldnt have afforded the shoes if they hadnt been on sale. a. Janet was able to buy the shoes because they were on sale. b. Even though they were on sale, Janet couldnt afford to buy the shoes. 3. If the car park had been full, theyd have parked near the school. a. The car park wasnt full so they parked there. b. They parked near the school because the car park was full.





Match A to B to form sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A If theres a good film on, Dan would fix the TV He would have played better If I were you, If the car hadnt broken down, You wont get the job

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

a. b. c. d. e. f.

B Id refuse his offer. if hed practised more. they wouldnt have been late. unless you know English. Ill go. if he were here.

Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentences. Use the first, second or third conditionals.

1. We didnt visit the museum because it was closed. We the museum if open. 2. The temperature may reach 0 C tonight and the lake will freeze. If the temperature 0 C tonight, the lake . 3. She hasnt got a laptop so she cant work when shes travelling. If she a laptop, she when she travels. 4. Hurry or youll miss the bus. You the bus unless you . 5. Bill had an accident because he was careless. If Bill careless, he an accident. 6. Robbie is only nice to Ellie because she lets him borrow her iPod. Robbie so nice to Ellie if she her iPod.





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The films soundtracks / subtitles include music and songs. All the critics that released / reviewed the film said it was very good. Cinderella was one of Walt Disneys early action / animation films. A horror film will be based / screened in our local cinema next week. Although the people who direct / star in films are very important, we dont see them. That film has got a great plot / cast. I cant remember when Ive seen a film with such wonderful actors.

Replace the words in bold with the words below.

subtitles costumes musical star release plot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In the film, the series of events was easy to follow. In some countries, films have got translations written on the screen. I wonder who will have the most important parts in the film. A clever designer created the actors clothes for the film. The film company promised to have the first showing of the film next month. The Phantom of the Opera was a successful show with lots of singing before it was made into a film.

Choose the logical continuation.

1. That film was predictable. a. I guessed what would happen. b. I was surprised by the ending. 2. The TV programme was hilarious. a. I cried and cried. b. I couldnt stop laughing. 3. What an awful book! a. Why did you tell me to read it? b. I will tell my friends to read it. 4. The history lesson was quite dull today. a. I really enjoyed it. b. I thought Id fall asleep. 5. Robert De Niro is an outstanding actor. a. I think hes one of the best. b. I dont enjoy watching his films.

Match A to B to form expressions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A special main box-office science romantic

...... ...... ...... ...... ......

a. b. c. d. e.

B character fiction comedies effects hit 29

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Complete the sentences with expressions from Exercise 4.

If you like films about the future, youll enjoy this film. Titanic was a for many months. Modern technology helps to create for films. The in the film is a man wrongly accused of murder. Pretty Woman was one of the most popular ever made.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

nominate tell base get play 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The film is on a novel by John Grisham. Leonardo DiCaprio the part of a passenger on the ship in Titanic. It was a wonderful film and rave reviews. The film the story of a poor boy who became a millionaire. I think youll enjoy it. He was for an Oscar, but didnt get one.

Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing adjective form of the words in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Its the most (excite) film Ive ever seen. Are you (thrill) that Jack asked you for a date? Its absolutely (amaze) how dogs find their way home. The meal we had at the restaurant was very (disappoint). We are not (interest) in your problems. If you think the film is (bore), we can leave now. No one is laughing. Obviously theyre not (amuse).





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The winner will award / will be awarded a gold medal. Too much red meat is thought / thought to be unhealthy. When we arrived, the police were taking away / were being taken away the cars. America discovered / was discovered by Columbus in 1492. Everyone knows that water boils / is boiled at 100 degrees Celsius. This afternoon, Tims dog is checking / is being checked by the vet.

Complete the dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the passive.

1. When will we know the result of the competition? It (announce) next week. 2. Why is the shoe shop on High Street closed? It (repaint). 3. How did the film end? The bad guy (kill). 4. Why is Patty so excited? She (offer) a big part in the play.

Write sentences with the words below. Use the passive.

1. in China rice / eat / with chopsticks / . ................................................................................................................................ 2. the school football team / not beat / this season / . ................................................................................................................................ 3. the test / give / to the Year 11 students / at this moment / . ................................................................................................................................ 4. your house / break into / last week / ? ................................................................................................................................ 5. next week / everything in the shop / sell / at half price / . ................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive form.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Every winter, the children in Alaska (build) snowmen. Details of the fire (publish) in tomorrows papers. When I was five, I (give) a puppy for my birthday. The meal will soon be ready. It (prepare) now. Robby is upset because he (not receive) an e-mail from Kate yet. When the time of the next meeting (announce)?





Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentences.

1. Mistakes are made when people are careless. Careless people mistakes. 2. Nobody has seen Jim since last week. Jim since last week. 3. Women are wearing their skirts longer this year. Skirts longer this year. 4. The scene was being filmed in the village square. They the scene in the village square. 5. Technicians will use new technology to create the special effects. New technology to create the special effects. 6. What did the thieves steal from the museum? What from the museum?

Complete the sentences using a causative form.

1. 2. 3. 4.

We didnt design our sitting room. We it . Bill doesnt prepare his own meals. He his meals by his mother. I wont repair the roof myself. I the roof by a builder. Frank isnt taking the photographs. He the photos by a professional.





Answer the questions with the words below.

front page journalist newsflash articles media 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What appears inside magazines and newspapers? Where is the most important news in a newspaper? What refers to TV, radio and newspapers? What interrupts programmes? Who sometimes travels abroad in his / her work? .......................................... on the ............................... the .................................... a ....................................... a .......................................

Match the newspaper sections in A to the headlines in B.

A 1. classified ads 2. business 3. weather 4. travel 5. fashion .... a. .... b. .... c. .... d. .... e.

Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Articles / Headlines are usually printed in large, eye-catching letters. Countries that are not democratic dont usually have freedom of the press / national news. After the incident, the president gave information / held a press conference. I watch the news on TV in order to follow current affairs / editorials. All the newspapers reported the news / presented the news of the Princess death. The Nature Channel covers the story / presents programmes about animal life.

Match A to B to form sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A Politicians Headlines A reporter Editorials A horoscope World news

.... .... .... .... .... ....

a. b. c. d. e. f.

B is reported by the media. covers stories. hold press conferences. predicts the future. introduce articles. contain opinions on the news.





Choose the correct answer.

1. On the front page, I read the . a. horoscopes b. national news 2. A reporter was sent to . a. present the programme b. hold a press conference

c. classified ads c. cover the event c. report a theft c. presented the news c. broadcast live

3. The man came to the police station to . a. broadcast live b. give an interview 4. The doctor with the patients family. a. covered the story b. held a conversation 5. TV stations from the scene of the plane crash. a. presented a programme b. gave an interview

Complete the sentences with the expressions below.

give an interview broadcast worldwide report the news present the news cover the story 1. Millions of people in different countries were able to follow the event on radio and TV. The event was . 2. News announcers have to speak clearly. People who must speak clearly. 3. A reporter was sent to find out about the incident. A reporter was sent to . 4. The winner at Wimbledon will speak to reporters. The winner at Wimbledon will . 5. The media informs the public about what is happening in the world. The main job of the media is to .

Complete the sentences by adding a suffix (-er, -or, -ment or -ion) to the words in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who was the (act) in that film? He was great. I read about the film in the (entertain) section. The (present) of the programme introduced the show. The (photograph) took wonderful pictures. According to the weathermans (predict), it will be cold tomorrow.





Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Frank promised that he will take / would take photographs on the trip. The shop claimed that they have / had no more Harry Potter books. Bob explained that he couldnt / cant come that evening. Dad mentioned that he was going / is going to the dentist. Laura admitted that she doesnt know / didnt know the answer.

Choose the correct continuation.

1. I wondered . a. if Mike was still angry 2. Reporters asked eyewitnesses . a. what had they seen 3. My parents wanted to know . a. which film I was going to 4. Joe asked the doctor . a. when could he go back to work

b. if Mike still loves me b. if they had seen anyone leave the building b. what time I will get home b. if he could go back to work

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The boys claimed that they (not break) the window. Rita promised that she (take) me to the party. The salesgirl asked Jenny which sweater she (prefer). Ingrid admitted that she (cannot understand) the maths. The student wanted to know if the class (have) a test the following week. Sandra wondered who (call) her when she was out. The policeman warned Alex that he (give) him a ticket if he caught him speeding again. Jack said that he (clean) his room when his mother had come home the previous day. Mr Roberts said that he (use) the computer at that moment.

Choose the correct answer.

1. The doctor Bill to get more exercise. a. said b. told 2. Mary if she should buy new shoes. a. wondered b. explained

c. suggested c. reminded

3. The student that hed cheated in the test. a. told b. warned c. admitted 4. Two masked robbers everyone not to move. a. ordered b. suggested c. said 5. Betty that the coffee was cold. a. asked b. complained c. advised





Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the verbs.

1. Jimmy / announced that / he / go to enter / a chess contest ................................................................................................................................ 2. The reporter / wanted to know / whether / we / saw / anything ................................................................................................................................ 3. The travel agent / asked / which flight / we / want to take ................................................................................................................................ 4. Ellen / argued / that / she / be / a better player than me ................................................................................................................................ 5. My headmistress / advised / me / apply for university ................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the original sentences.

1. Lets invite the neighbours for coffee tomorrow, said Mrs Thomas. Mrs Thomas suggested ................................................................................................................................................ 2. Dont walk on the grass, said the park keeper to the children. The park keeper told ..................................................................................................................................................... 3. Why do I have to go to the dentist today? asked the little boy. The little boy asked ....................................................................................................................................................... 4. Ill never hit Johnny again, Daniel said. Daniel promised ............................................................................................................................................................ 5. We are watching the news on TV now, her parents said. Her parents told us .......................................................................................................................................................

. . . . .


Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

Reinforcement 1
Vocabulary 1 1. petite
2. arrogant 3. average 4. calm 3. a 4. g 5. e 6. d 7. b 8. f 3. well 4. rarely 4. honest 5. disorganised 6. impatient 4. c 5. b 6. e 5. adventurous 6. outgoing 7. cheerful 5. older

6 1. resort
2. youth hostel 3. bed and breakfast

4. campsite 5. caravan 4. got to 5. set up 3. boat trip 4. travel expenses

7 1. set off
2. takes off 3. check in

2 1. c 2. h 3 1. always
2. make-up

8 1. business trips
2. travel arrangements

4 1. inconsiderate
2. Unsociable 3. dependent

Grammar 1 1. did you buy

talking 2. bought, was shopping 3. werent you sleeping

4. were playing, were 5. was walking, drove 4. at 6.00 pm 5. Yesterday morning 3. was looking, found 4. met, was travelling 4. had started 5. had finished 3. reached, had left 4. landed, hadnt eaten

5 1. a 2. d 3. f 6 1. attractive
2. average 3. calm 4. polite

2 1. when
2. While 3. in 1990

Grammar 1 Present Simple: often, on Sundays, every year, twice a

week, usually Present Continuous: today, now, tomorrow night, this morning, at this moment

3 1. was shaving, cut

2. broke, was cleaning

4 1. had missed
2. had learnt 3. Had gone

2 1. c 2. b 3 1. smells
2. 3. 4. 5.

3. a

4. b

5. c arent watching isnt raining doesnt eat is meeting doesnt walk

5 1. had studied, travelled

2. decided, had seen

6. do you usually go 7. is sleeping 8. do you visit 9. dont wear 10.

6 1. hadnt finished, arrived 4. was crossing, hit

2. had been, got 5. had read, went 3. was trying, was playing 6. were crying, saw

7 1. What was Victor doing while you / we were eating?

2. Who had bought souvenirs before you / we arrived? 3. Where was Toni working when he met Eva? 4. How many cigarettes had Mr Duncan smoked per day before he stopped smoking? 5. When did your parents go sightseeing in Paris? 6. Why didnt you wear a jacket?

4 1. washes
2. am doing 3. eat 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

4. are going 5. dont get up 6. isnt working

5 1. Does he love chocolates?

Where do they live? What are the children playing? Why are you wearing a coat? When does she finish school? Is she leaving tonight?

Reinforcement 3
Vocabulary 1 1. France
2. Argentina 3. 1994, 2006 4. 3 5. Italy

6 1. isnt going, doesnt know, wants, is waiting

2. are listening, dont understand 3. is getting, believe, are meeting

Reinforcement 2
Vocabulary 1 1. sleeping bag
2. wetsuit 3. snorkel 4. pocketknife 4. postcards 5. torch 4. d 5. b

2 1. draw 3 1. train

4. runner-up 2. won the competition 5. score 3. beat 3. match 4. entered 5. 6. 7. 8. helmet fishing keep fit dedicated 5. take up 2. talented

2 1. wetsuit
2. suitcases 3. guide

4 1. determined
2. net 3. disciplined 4. challenge

3 1. c 2. a 3. e 4 1. sightseeing
2. camera 3. first-aid kit

4. sunglasses 5. raincoat 4. b 5. c

5 go: fishing, cycling, skating, windsurfing, swimming

do: athletics, gymnastics play: tennis, hockey, football, volleyball

5 1. d

2. e

3. a

6 1. a

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. b


Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

Grammar 1 1. put
2. broken

3 1. They are going to leave tomorrow morning at 7.00 /

3. drunk 4. chosen 4. has seen 5. hasnt won 6. havent finished 3. already 4. just 3. since 4. since 5. ever 5. for 5. given 6. known at 7.00 tomorrow morning. / Tomorrow morning, they are going to leave at 7.00. 2. Where will the meeting take place? 3. Sara wont invite Bill to her party. 4. When are they going to build the recycling centre?

2 1. have played
2. has enjoyed 3. Have fed

3 1. yet
2. never

4 1. will bring
2. 3. 4. 5. is taking part / is going to take part are flying / are going to fly are wearing / are going to wear will rain 3. Will be starting 4. wont be performing

4 1. for
2. since 2. 3. 4. 5.

5 1. Has your sister joined the judo club?

Have the children gone to bed? Where has the dog hidden his bone? What has she baked today? Who has won the lottery? 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. 6. 7. 8. broke have been didnt have have you been Have seen has already given didnt drink has recently written

5 1. will be sitting
2. will be coming

6 1. will have lost

3. will have been 2. wont have finished 4. Will have found 2. will have stopped 3. will be watching 4. wont be attending 5. will have won

6 1. Did they visit

2. has lived 3. hasnt checked 4. did they finish

7 1. will be wearing

7 1. has never taught

2. drove 3. Did go 4. havent washed

Reinforcement 5
Vocabulary 1 1. c 2. e 3. b 2 1. b 2. c 3. a 3 1. ignored
apologise 2. fluent 3. misunderstood 4. a 4. b 4. warned 5. chat 6. contact 4. get through 5. pass on 6. cut in 3. bad 4. first 5. fluent 6. keep in touch 7. mother tongue 5. body 7. passed 7. 5. f 6. d

Reinforcement 4
Vocabulary 1 Positive: recycle, environmentally-friendly, renewable
energy, conservation Negative: pollutants, smoke, toxic waste, exhaust fumes, global warming

4 1. get by
down 2. pick up 3. get across

2 1. O 2. S 3 1. oil spill

3. S

4. S 5. 6. 7. 8. 4. a

5. O

2. petrol 3. global warming 4. rubbish

care about chemicals deforestation ecological disaster 5. b 6. c 5. inter 6. over 6. e

5 1. Sign
2. official

6 1. translate
2. bilingual 3. discuss 4. slang

4 1. f 2. e 5 1. anti2. under

3. d

3. multi4. re 4. b 5. d 5. recycle 6. toxic 7. protect

6 1. c 2. f 3. a 7 1. Exhaust fumes
2. landfills 3. destroy 4. increase

Grammar 1 1. I have a friend who lives in Paris.

2. This is the book which I told you about. 3. We ate in a restaurant where the waiters sing and dance. 4. That is the man whose wife died. 5. The 4th of July is the day when Americans celebrate independence. 6. Those are the flowers that my father bought.

Grammar 1 1. will give

2. are going to have 3. will eat

4. is beginning 5. are going to buy 6. are preparing 5. 6. 7. 8. wont tell are going to put are going to watch will be

2 1. will win
2. will have 3. am going to clean 4. am going to have

2 1. d 2. e 3 1. where
2. who 3. that

3. b

4. c

5. a 7. when

4. whose 5. which 6. who


Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

4 1. who
2. which 3. where 4. whose 5. when

Reinforcement 7
Vocabulary 1 1. plug in
2. turn on 3. switch off 4. log into 5. cut off 6. turn up 7. Turn down

5 1. She fell in love with a boy whose father works in

2. 3. 4. 5. Africa. That is the shop where I bought my new shoes. Ill never forget the day when I first saw you. Where can I find a shop which sells drumsticks? This is the guide who will take you on a tour of the city. 3. whose 4. where 5. which 6. when

2 1. go online
2. access information 3. click on an icon

4. highlight part of the text 5. make a backup copy 6. insert a disc

6 1. who / that
2. which

Reinforcement 6
Vocabulary 1 1. respect
2. appropriate 3. tolerant 4. offend 5. rude 6. cultural taboo 4. offend 5. cultural taboo 6. appropriate 6. 7. 8. 9. 4. b 4. a 3. enjoyable 4. magical 2. Dutch, Swiss 5. beautiful 6. considerate pop culture major religion monarchy respectful 5. a

3 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 4 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b 5 1. computer-literate 3. laptop
headphones 2. user-friendly


4. USB flash drive 3. memory 4. crash

6 1. mouse
2. virus

2 1. respect
2. tolerant 3. rude

Grammar 1 1. Ill lend

2. wouldnt

3. come 4. sent 3. b 3. gets 4. didnt have 6. d

5. leave

3 1. stereotype
2. 3. 4. 5. adapt Liberal cultural event culture shock 3. a 3. b

2 1. a 2. a 3 1. wore
2. will find

5. wont find 6. won

4 1. b 2. b 5 1. c 2. a 6 1. famous
2. attractive

4 1. b 2. a 3. a 5 1. e 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. c 6 1. would have visited, it had been

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7 1. Irish, Italian Grammar 1 1. must

2. should

reaches, will freeze had, would be able to work / could work / would work will miss, hurry hadnt been, wouldnt have had wouldnt be, didnt let him borrow / didnt lend him

3. isnt able to 4. dont have to 3. a 4. b 3. cant 4. should 3. mustnt 4. neednt

5. ought to 6. could 5. could 5. have to 6. couldnt

Reinforcement 8
Vocabulary 1 1. soundtracks
2. reviewed 3. animation 4. screened 5. direct 6. cast 4. costumes 5. release 6. musical 4. b 4. b 5. a 5. c

2 1. a 2. b 3 1. must
2. May

4 1. ought to
2. might

2 1. plot
2. subtitles 3. star

5 1. neednt have
2. must have 2. 3. 4. 5.

3. shouldnt have 4. could have

6 1. could / should have sent

should have come might not / couldnt have gone must / might / could have left shouldnt / neednt have got 4. might become 5. couldnt have looked 6. must have eaten

3 1. a 2. b 3. a 4 1. d 2. a 3. e 5 1. science fiction
2. box-office hit 3. special effects

4. main character 5. romantic comedies 4. tells 5. nominated

7 1. could read
2. must remember 3. shouldnt have bought

6 1. based
2. played 3. got


Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

7 1. exciting
2. thrilled 3. amazing 4. disappointing 5. interested 6. boring 7. amused

3 1. hadnt broken
2. 3. 4. 5. would take preferred couldnt understand would have / was having

6. 7. 8. 9.

had called would give had been cleaning was using

Grammar 1 1. will be awarded

2. is thought 3. were taking away

4. was discovered 5. boils 6. is being checked 3. was killed 4. has been offered

4 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 5 1. Jimmy announced that he was going to enter a

chess contest. 2. The reporter wanted to know whether we had seen anything. 3. The travel agent asked which flight we wanted to take. 4. Ellen argued that she was a better player than me. 5. My headmistress advised me to apply for university.

2 1. will be announced
2. is being repainted

3 1. In China, rice is eaten with chopsticks.

2. The school football team hasnt been beaten this season. 3. The test is being given to the Year 11 students at this moment. 4. Was your house broken into last week? 5. Next week, everything in the shop will be sold / is being sold at half price.

6 1. inviting / that we invite the neighbours for coffee the

next / the following day 2. the children not to walk on the grass 3. why he had to go to the dentist that day 4. that he would never hit Johnny again / never to hit Johnny again 5. that they were watching the news on TV then

4 1. build
2. will be published 3. was given

4. is being prepared 5. hasnt received 6. will be announced 4. were filming 5. will be used 6. was stolen

5 1. make
2. hasnt been seen 3. are being worn

6 1. had / got designed

2. has / gets prepared 3. will have / will get repaired 4. is having / is getting taken

Reinforcement 9
Vocabulary 1 1. articles
2. front page 3. media 4. newsflash 5. journalist 4. b 5. d 4. current affairs 5. reported the news 6. presents programmes 5. d 5. c 4. give an interview 5. report the news 5. prediction 6. a

2 1. e 2. c 3. a 3 1. Headlines

2. freedom of the press 3. held a press conference

4 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. f 5 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b 6 1. broadcast worldwide
2. present the news 3. cover the story

7 1. actor
2. entertainment

3. presenter 4. photographer

Grammar 1 1. would take

2. had

3. couldnt 4. was going 3. a 4. b

5. didnt know

2 1. a

2. b


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