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Lesson 8: Using Timesaving Features 1. Students will be able to: a.

Use the replace command including using wildcards and changing the font using this command b. Use the comment feature and know how to make comments visible and hide them c. Be able to track changes in a document and know how to show and hide the changes being tracked d. Be able to insert fields into a document e. Students will be able to insert a Header/Footer in a document and be able to use the Headers/Footers toolbar to insert fields in their headers/footers 2. Students will be able to define and recognize the following terms: a. Comments b. Fields c. Footer d. Header e. Wildcards 3. Formative Assessments a. Self Notes b. Review Questions 8 c. SBS d. Mini Lecture e. Projects 8 4. Summative Assessments a. Real World Lesson 8 !

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