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Daniel George AP English-First Hour A Tale of Two Cities Thought Questions October 7, 2011

A Tale of Two Cities Thought Questions

Thought Question #2: Self-sacrifice, family, potential Right away in the novel we learn about Lucie and how she is parent-less, or so she thinks. As the book progresses and we meet Dr. Manete, we learn that he is Lucies father. The two come together and the importance of love in the family shows through. Before they knew each other existed, Lucie was just your normal girl living life with a fake father. Dr. Manete was exiling himself from the world in his work bench and all he did all day was carve shoes. But once the two came together and a family was created, the importance of that love is shown because Dr. Manete comes out of his slump and starts interacting in the world and helping people. Lucie uses her golden thread to bind the family together

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