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Other Planet Vs Earth

Natural Science Class Lesson Plan: - Atmosfer - Life sustaining environtment vs extreme non sustaining life environtment in other planets - Venus: 400 C with 90 x heavier than atmosphere in Earth, venus used to be almost like earth with its flowing ocean but then extreme green gasses now flowing instead in venus atmosphere because of increase in the planet temperature resulting the evaporation of the ocean so now the atmosphere thick with Co2, and other things that extremely harmful to human and other living things as we know on earth. The atmosphere of Venus is full of 50s km of acidic acid clouds (acid as we know erode fabrics, and erode human flesh), so so far Venus is outruled as the possible planet to live in the future or at least no known living things in Venus surface. But then the scientist found an organisme they called extremifus something that live in some cave full of acid that could even go through metals, cause of the strongness of the acid, but then this organism live in the acidic environtment of the cave, so now astrobiologist argued that maybe because our limited information and knowledge maybe, or maybe that there are living things that live in extreme environtment that we not know of, including other planets in our solar system, like venus, or even out there in other galaxy. - Saturnus (planet with ring) with one of its 64 satellites spewing hot water and snow

(c) Ismi

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