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Campus: Carroll


1. What percentage of your parents do you believe attended parent conferences on Monday, October 12th? 50%, others preferred the week before 2. How did the time frame of 10:00-6:00 work for parents? Worked great, all could make it between those hours. 3. Do you believe that the parents felt the conference day was beneficial? Yes, most were eager to hear about their childs progress.

4. Do you believe that your staff felt the day was successful and beneficial? Yes 5. What changes would you suggest if the day is scheduled again? Earlier start/finish time. Ex: 9am-5pm

6. Should we schedule a parent conference day into the 2010-11 school calendar or replace with a district staff development day? Parent conference day

Please compile information from your campus and complete/return this one page to Debra Nelson by Friday, October 16th. Thanks!

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