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RESEARCH PROPOSAL Melvonne R. Brooks STR/581 February 13, 2012 Brian Dufrene


Research Proposal As stated on Third Sector Foresights website, (2012), a strategic analysis looks outside of a corporation and helps to anticipate what might happen; evaluates how it may happen, and to prepare for what is happening(p. 1). The strategic analysis assists in defining clearer relevant goals and enhances the ability to make valuable decisions. The lack of performing strategic planning or analysis can possibly result in lost opportunities. Defining the organizations vision, mission, and value statement is the first step in the process of a strategic analysis. The writer will discuss the method of research used to for the strategic analysis for Urban Partnership Bank in Chicago, IL. The plan will focus on enhancing the current products within the bank as well as attracting new depositors and business. The plan will also focus on the internal customers, ensuring that the environment is not restrictive and hostile, thereby inhibiting the progress and workflow of the customers. The corporation will continue to nurture current and new talent which is vital in the expansion and growth of the corporation. Mission/Vision and Value Statement To make a difference every day; serving our customers, building vibrant urban neighborhoods, promoting economic and environmental sustainability and creating long-term success for our communities and bank (UPB, 2012). Urban Partnership Bank (UPB) values

serving the underserved and distressed urban neighborhoods proudly. To ensure that the mission, vision, and value statements are valid, a strategic analysis team will be formed to individually ask the following questions. The team will meet to discuss the outcome of the questions. A survey completed by the internal and external customers will also validate the mission statement, which will be reviewed by the strategic analysis team.


What is our core purpose?

The core purpose of Urban Partnership Bank is to make a difference every day What business are we in?

The bank is in the business of serving the customers What do we actually do?

We actually service the remaining customers from the previous corporation and we are working on building the vibrant neighborhoods and creating long-term success. Research Approach The SWOT Analysis is an important research tool for strategic analyst. It is commonly adopted for the analysis of internal and external situations, in turn encouraging the development of strategies which can cope with these situations (Lu, 2010, p. 1317). The SWOT identifies the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Identifying Urban Partnerships

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is paramount for the strategic analysis. External Source The External Analysis looks at the opportunities and threats that are present in the environment. To determine the difference that exist in the bank between strength or weakness and opportunity or threat, certain questions must be addressed: If the current bank did not exist, would the issue exist? The answer would be yes because the issue exists without the corporation and would be considered external. There are a number of opportunities that exist but the bank must in a position to act on to reap the necessary benefits. Threats are situations or barriers that will more often than not, prevent the bank from reaching its goals.


The goal of Urban Partnership is increase and diversifies the customer base. Offering new product is a possibility. A customer analysis will be performed to determine the motivation and the unmet needs of the current customer base. An environmental analysis will also be performed to identify the technological, economic, cultural, and demographic needs of the current and potential customer. A market competitive analysis should be performed to determine the trends, costs, and possible weaknesses of the bank. Internal Source The Internal Analysis of strengths and weaknesses focus on the internal factors that give an organization certain advantages and disadvantages for understanding and meeting the needs of the target market. Strengths are defined by the core competencies that give the organization its advantage. The internal analysis of Urban Partnerships strengths is customer focused because the ultimate goal is to meet the needs of the customer. Internal weaknesses are the limits that a company faces while implementing strategies or project plans, which could include lack of talent or resources. The bank should also identify what the customer perceives as a weakness. The bank will focus on and enhance the strengths that satisfy the needs of the customer. The sources used to perform an internal environmental analysis will include sales and profitability analysis and relative cost of the new product. A SWOT Analysis along with the internal and external environmental analysis will provide the necessary information needed to construct a Strategic Analysis which will help to determine what is needed to attract new customers and increase profitability.



Pearce, J.A., II Robinson, R.B. (2011). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, And control (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


My Strategic Plan (2010). Retrieved from: on February 13, 2012. Lu, W. (2010). Improved SWOT Approach for Conducting Strategic Planning in the Construction Industry. Journal Of Construction Engineering & Management, 136(12), 1317-1328. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000240

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