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The Kamias Chips and Prunes are the project we developed and innovate.

Before else we decided to do this project, theres a story behind it. Last February 12, 2012, Sunday after I washed our clothes at the house, I decided to cook for our lunch. Ive preparing 2 dishes to serve, pork adobo and paksiw bangus. While waiting for the pork to tender, I went to our backyard to get some kamias fruit to add into the paksiw as an alternative to vinegar because its more natural. Upon cooking, I saw some kamias fruits left at the table and all of the sudden the project for the philosophy comes into my mind. I think of what are the things to do in the fruit to become a product that will serve as our project. Then and again, my grandfather enter the house and told me to just make the Kamais as candy. At first, I was hesitating to do it because its quite complicated since the fruit is sour and candy should be sweet. But then and again, I formulated processes on how I can do the project and after Ive implemented my ideas, happy to say its a success. I am inspired in making this project because I loved foods and I enjoyed cooking and at the same time our imagination, critical thinking and creativity are developed. I am also inspired in making this project because I know in myself that it would be something new, a unique product that will push me and my partner to be more dedicated. The past generations tools/productions also contribute in the concretization of our product. The past also have connections in our product for it serves as the sources or references of the ingredients and other materials needed to finish our project. To start, it was five years ago when my grandfather planted the Kamias at the backyard and now we used its fruits as the main ingredient in the product. Those businessmen in the past years who build up sugar factories and farmers who planted sugar canes also contributed for the sugar that is needed for the product and its the key to make the Kamias sweet. The makers of the utensils also helped since we used it in cooking the candy. Those people who invented plastics and papers also help for the packaging purposes of our product. The past works of those people are not literally we need to do innovation individually but we need their work in making our product through combining and mixing. Yet, to the work of papers and plastics, we will improve it by adding more colors and designs to be more attractive and creative.

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