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Proposition of the18th Annual Regional Literary Contest with International Participation

Pardubice Stream

Organizer: Regional Library in Pardubice - Department of Regional and Cultural Services in cooperation with Europe Direct Pardubice within European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012 and on the occasion of The Summer Olympic Games. Topic:

A Race Against Time

You can choose any literary style. The categories: I. category 3., 4. and 5th grade of primary schools II. category 6., 7th grade of primary schools (corresponding to grades of grammar schools) III. category 8., 9th grade of primary schools (corresponding to grades of grammar schools) IV. category 1st 2nd grade of secondary schools and corresponding to grades of grammar schools V. category 3rd 4th grade of secondary schools corresponding to grades of grammar schools

Organisation and contest conditions: a) We accept texts in prose. The length of the texts is limited to 2 pages. Please use the font Times New Roman/Arial, size 12, send your texts by e-mail to the address given below. In exceptional cases you can send your texts by post in three copies. All the texts should be original. If the texts have already been published somewhere, it is necessary to note where. The number of texts from a school is limited to 5 from each category. The higher number of texts must be consulted with the organizer of contest. b) Identify the texts with the full name of author, home address, age, name of school and class (the grade), name of teacher, eventually literary style. c) The texts will be judged by the team, named by the organizer of contest, which recommends the best texts to be published in the booklet. The booklet will be published after the official announcement of results. It will be sent to all authors and schools which took part

in the contest. For the best contestants there will be many interesting prizes available. Calendar of the contest: Starting date: January 2012 Deadline: March 23, 2012 Results will be published: May 2012

We are accepting the texts on this address: Pardubice Region Tourism, Europe Direct Pardubice nam. Republiky 1, 530 02 Pardubice Czech Republic Administrated by: Andrea Pavlikova, e-mail:

The contest is held thanks to financial support of Municipality of Pardubice. It takes place in cooperation with Europe Direct Pardubice. Regional Library in Pardubice is established by Pardubice region.

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