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Topic: Biological Classification-SYSTEMATICS

1- Species Plantarum was written by (A) Julian Huxley (B) John Ray (C) Carolus Linnaeus (D) Aristotle

2- System of classification used by Linnaeus was (A) Natural (B) Artificial (C) Phylogenetic (D) Asexual system

3- Smaller taxon of taxonomy is (A) Kingdom (B) Variety (C) Family (D) Species

4- The term Taxonomy was coined by (A) De Candolle (B) Theophrastus (C) Pliny (D) Linnaeus

5- Branch connected with nomenclature, identification and classification is (A) Morphology (B) Ecology (C) Physiology (D) Taxonomy

6- Classification given by Bentham & Hooker is (A) Artificial (B) Natural (C) Phylogenetic (D) Numerical

7- Systema Naturae was written by (A) Lamarck (B) Cuvier (C) Aristotle (D) Linnaeus

8- An important criterion for modern day classification is (A) Resemblance in morphology (B) Anatomical & Physiological traits (C) Breeding habits 9- International Code of Biological Nomenclature is applicable to (A) Viruses (B) Plants (C) Animals (D) Both B & C (D) Notochord

10- Phylogenetic classification is based on

(A) Habits

(B) Only morphological traits

(C) Overall similarities

(D) Common evolutionary descent

11- Binomial nomenclature consists of two words (A) Genus & Species (B) Genus & Subspecies (C) Genus & Family (D) Species & Variety

12-Taxonomy without phylogeny is similsr to bones without flesh is the ststement of (A) Oswald Tippo (B) John Hutchinson (C) Takhtazan (D) Bentham & Hooker

13- Two morphologically similar populations are intersterile. They belong to (A) One species (B) Two Bio species (C) One Allopatric species (D) Two sibling species

14- ICZN is effective from (A) 1.8.1768 (B) 1.5.1753 (C) 1.8.1758 (D) 1.8.1753

15- Which one is a taxon (A) Order (B) Family (C) Species (D) All the above

16- A system of classification that defines ancestry of plants/animals is known as (A) Natural System (B) Artificial System (C) Phylogenetic system (D)Homologous system

17- The book having binomial nomenclature for the first time is

(A) Historia Naturalle 18- Book written by Aristotle is (A) Historia Animalium 19- A taxon is

(B) Systema Naturae

(C) Historia Naturalis

(D) Historia Plantarum

(B) Systema Naturae

(C) Philosophie Botanica

(D) Historia Naturalle

(A) A group of related species

(B) A group of related families

(C) Group of living organisms

(D) A taxonomic group of any ranking 20-The term taxon was given by (A) Meyer (B) Linnaeus (C) de Candolle (D) Takhtazan

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