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Topic: Cell Reproduction

1- The term mitosis was coined by (A) Prevost & Dumas (B) Strasburger (C) Flemming (D) Farmer & Moore

2- The term meiosis was coined by (A) Watson & Crick (B) Beadle & Tatum (C) Strasburger (D) Farmer & Moore

3- Chromosomes which remain condensed during interphase are called (A) Heterochromatin (B) Euchromatin (C) Megachromosomes (D) Polytene chrromosomes

4- Where can we study mitosis ? (A) Nail base (B) Brain (C) Legs (D) Kidneys

5- Chromosomes present in prolonged prophase in the salivary glands of Drosophila are (A) Lampbrush (B) B-chromosomes (C) Supplimentary chromosomes (D) Polytene

6- Cell Division was first studied by (A) Rudolf Virchow (B) Prevost & Dumas (C) Strasburger & Prevost (D) Flemming & Dumas

7- Crossing over occurs during (A) Leptotene (B) Pachytene (C) Diplotene (D) Diakinesis

8- DNA replication takes place during (A) G1-phase (B) G2-phase (C) S-phase (D) Prophase

9- How many mitotic divisions occur in a cell to produce 256 daughter/somatic cells ? (A) 128 (B) 64 (C) 8 (D) 32

10- Chromosomes can be counted best at the stage of (A) Telophase (B) Late Anaphase (C) Early Anaphase (D) Metaphase

11- When does synapsis (bivalent formation) occur in meiosis ? (A) Diplotene (B) Pachytene (C) Zygotene (D) Leptotene

12- Seggregation of mendilian factors (Aa) occurs during

(A) Diplotene

(B) Anaphase I

(C) Zygotene

(D) Anaphase II

13- The sequence of cell cycle is (A) S,M,G1 & G2 (B) G1,G2, S & M (C) M,G1, S & G2 (D) G1,S G2 & M

14- Meiosis is evolutionary significant because it results in (A) Genetically similar daughter cells (B) Four daughter cells (C) Eggs & Sperms (D) Recombinants

15- How many times meiosis occurs in a single life of human beings (A) Once (B) Twice (C) four times (D) At regular interval of time

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