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Shaykh of IslamShaykh Ibrahim Niasse

*** By

Translation and Commentary

Shaykh Hassan Cisse

[We are now in the process of rebuilding all of our pages and links on this site. We hope to stillhave our links to our Appendixs and Arabic pages.] Bismi-llahir Rahmanir Raheem.In the name of God, The Beneficent, The Merciful. The following pages are from the book "Spirit of Good Morals" written by Shaykh ulIslam Al Hajj

Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. Copies of the book are sold out at the moment.Insha-llah, we are now trying to put the whole book in this space so it can be readonline, but the pages may not be the same size as the book that is being sold.The English translation and commentary will be first, followed by verses of the Arabicpoem, the Appendix, and its

matching Arabic text.The complete Original Arabic Text of the Poem "Ruh ul Adab" (Spirit of Good Morals)follows the English translation and commentary that was written by his grandsonShaykh Hassan Aliyyu Cisse.Al Hamdu lillah, We ask our readers to please buy the book when it is printed again or donate money to help continue in this work.

* * *This book originated in the year 1920 as a one hundred and twenty oneverse poem written in the Arabic language, in praise of Allah (God),Glorified is He, and in commemoration of His Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAWS),

named "Spirit of Good Morals". It was written by Shaykh of Islam Al-Hajj Ibrahim ibn Al-Hajj Abdullah Niasse, as advice to the"People of Tariqa", the Tijaniyya Brotherhood in particular, and tohumanity at large.

Since that time it has been translated into English by his grandsonShaykh Hassan Aliyyu Cisse, the Chief Imam of Shaykh IbrahimNiasse Mosque (pictured on the front). Most recently, Shaykh HassanCisse has added verses from

Al-Quran, narrations of the Prophet(SAWS), and his own commentary which relate to the poetic verses of the advice. May Allah accept."Sufism is a spiritual clinic with doctors who have knowledge of attending to ailments of the soul.

For a sick patient who requires cureand doses of medicine from the clinic, there is the need for him tomake declaration of his sickness and acceptance of patient hood.In taking Tariqa, one should be aware that Tariqa is a

commitment andthe beginning of an endless journey. Shaykh Ibrahim here advises thatfor one to profit in this journey, he should at all times seekrighteousness."

IslamShaykh Ibrahim Niasse Translation and Commentary By


Shaykh Hassan CisseSecond EditionCompiled & EditedByAlh. Abdul Hakim HalimPublished byTHE AFRICAN AMERICAN ISLAMIC

INSTITUTEShaykh Hassan Ali Cisse Founder, Shaykh Tijani Ali Cisse Chairman, P.O. Box 411 MedinaKaolack,SENEGAL *** Second Printing 2001Copyright (c) 1998 byAbdul Hakim Halim

All rights reserved ISBN # 0-96779560-5 (Hardcover)ISBN # 0-9677956-1-3 (Paperback)For a copy of this book,please write to:A. A. I. I., Inc.B.P. 411Medina-Kaolack, SenegalAfricaA. A. I. I., Inc.Michigan Chapter P.O. Box

02075Detroit, MI 48202U.S.A. Table of Contents

Preface....................... ................i Al-Hajj Abdullahi.................... .........1 Essence of Basmillah.................... ......4 Tariqa Tijaniyya..................... ........5 Taking Tariqa......................... .......14 Conditions of taking Tariqa

Tijaniyya........17 Disci pline during Wird.......................19 Good Manners (piety)......................... 19 The Mind............................ .........22 Seeking for a Shaykh........................ .23 Righteous Leader or Shaykh...................23 Complete

Submission................. .........25 Personal Opinion....................... ......27 Universe and its Content.....................2 8 Shaykh Ahmad alTijani.......................29 Generosity with owned Possessions............31 Shedding Tears.......................... .....33 Time Planning and

Usage......................3 3 Test of Time........................... ......35 Satisfaction with Predestination............ .38 Consideration and Moderation................. 41 Knowledge as a basic requirement.............4 5 Kinds of Knowledge.................. .........46 Ma`arifa....... ..............................47

Shari`at...................... ...............49 Haal........ .................................5 0 Good Conduct...................... ...........54 Jealousy or Envy........................... ..57 Sincerity of Worship...................... ...60 Attaining Purity.......................... ...64 Litanies of Tariqa......................... ..67 Real Knowledge and

Worship...................7 0 Maintenance and Increasing Faith....... ...73 Repent ance............................ .......73 ..........................7 6 .................7 8 .............................7

9 ........................8 2 ...............................97 ...............................10 1

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