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JAVA Program Implementation Approach Task BreakDown Items Coding Description Document UI Client Change Mockup to Panel Delete Header and Footer Panel. Adjust RowPanel.


IO Item Implementation

Use of Kailas-Framework component.(Use NIExtendBodyPanel, ExtendTextField and so on) Tab Order Management. Grid Border Management O Grid Auto Scroll O CheckBox Auto Selection O Setting Dictionary ID Item Name Max Digit Type Input StatusState) ( Validation (Required Check -> Date Check -> Regexp check) IME Mode

Panel class * Method Override

afterInitialize() method screen_L() getScreenId() getTabOrder()

Important methods (Common) creatRDO_C() details editRDO_C() deleteRDO_C() readRDO_C() inquiryBTN_C() Set of actionexecutor updateBTN_C() excelBTN_C() backBTN_C() Mentioned in SPEC resetComponents() clearTabOrder() Other O And other mentioned in Event Table Some method for setting data in Screen Fields Some method for getting data from Screen Fields Optional Fields Required-> Date , Time

Important attributes(instance variables) of Class Status currentState Holds the currentState of the Screen Lis<RowPanel> rowPanelDataList To hold all RowPanel displayed in the Screen getRowPanelDataList() For getting rowpanel data list NIApplicationErrorManager errorManager Instance of service class and other class which may be required.

Logic -> Interaction with Server side

Items Service Interface

Define the method which performs CRUD operation with DB Search method should start from name -> find or get Update and Delete method throws NIApplicationException.(For haitasei)

ServiceImpl Class Implementation of method of Service interface Manipulates,Search the DB operation. Instance var ICommonDao N for performing DB operation Instance ProcessService ProcessServiceDto Method insert(singleDto) insert(listOfDto) update(singleDto) update(listOfDto) delete(singleDto) delete(listOfDto) findXXX() getPgmId() between client and server between server and DB(in case of Custom SQL)

Dto DaoDto

Need to write SQL in XXX_sqlmap

Details to come..

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