Huckleberry Finn Argumentative Essay

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Huckleberry Finn Argumentative Essay

For tens of years there was and still is this debate about teaching Huckleberry Finn in school. The people attacking the work say that Mark Twain abused the word nigger and because of that it influences high school students to make fun of black people. On the other side, the book represents a part of the US history and it shouldn t just be erased. First of all, banning the book is a violation of freedom of speech, and that leads to violating the constitution, which leads to more corrupt decisions from the government. Mark Twain tried to reproduce the atmosphere of that time, so the use of the word nigger is used repeatedly because the people in that time period talked like that. It was just a name for people of the black race, just like we call them now African Americans . It just so happens that in that time period the black people were still slaves. Some people opposing the book say that black people were seen as inferior to the white people in the book, and that influences high school students to act superior and to make fun of black students. But in my opinion, the way that Huck and Tom treated Jim should make the students think about it, and make sure no race will be ever treated that way ever again. Even in the book, Huck has an inner battle between helping Jim and handing him in to the authorities, but in the end he does the right thing. In conclusion, I think Huckleberry Finn should be taught in school because it describes a very important era form the US history but even if the book is that important, it should be taught to

junior or senior students because they can easier understand Mark Twain s message and see the meaning behind the actions, not just judge based on the appearances.

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