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PhD candidate, Department of Anthropology

Michigan State University
frichard @


Expected 2017 Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Dissertation Title: Caring Across the Lifecourse: Aging, Generativity, and
Kinship Matters
Advisor: Linda M. Hunt, Professor of Anthropology
2014-2016 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
2015 MPH, Program in Public Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan. Specialization, Public Health Research Methods and Evaluation.
2012 Master of Arts, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan. Specialization, Medical Anthropology.

2008 Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude with honors, Medical Anthropology and
Journalism, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Richards, F. & Ficker, L. (in preparation) Volunteer Patterns Among Older Adults: Do Mobility
Problems and Depression Make a Difference?
Richards, F. (in preparation) Mothering Again: Emotional Ambivalence and Parenting Strategies
among Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren in Detroit, Michigan.


Research Grants:
2016 Blue Cross Blue Shield Student Award Program Grant, Blue Cross Blue Shield
Michigan Foundation, Detroit, MI: $3,000.

2016 Graduate Student Research Enhancement, Graduate School, Michigan State

University, East Lansing, Michigan: $1,600.

2015 Pearl J. Aldrich Graduate Aging Research Grant, College of Medicine, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, Michigan: $3,000.

2011 Pre-Dissertation Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State

University, East Lansing, Michigan: $1,000.

2016 Community Grants:

Active Living Mini-Grant, Health Environments Partnership and Detroit Food
and Fitness Collaborative, Detroit, Michigan: $600.

Travel Grants:
2017 Association of Anthropology and Gerontology Conference: Culture,
Commitment and Care Across the Life Course Travel Grant: $300.
2015 Pen to Paper Writing Retreat: Writing With, For and About Service- and
Community-Engagement Travel Grant, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
F. Richards
Curriculum Vitae

Michigan: $500.

2015 National Women's Studies Association Travel Grant: $250.

2014 Leon Center for Geriatric Research and Education, Wertheim College of
Medicine Travel Grant, Florida International University, Miami, Florida: $750.

2012 Council of Graduate Students Conference Travel Grant, Michigan State

University, East Lansing, Michigan: $200.

2015 Fellow, National Institute on Aging (NIA) Summer Training on African
American Aging Research, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.

2011-2014 Graduate Research Fellow, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate

Research Fellowship Program, Washington, DC: $30,000 a/y.

2011 Cultural Heritage Informatics Graduate Fellow, Matrix: Center for Digital
Humanities and Social Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan: $3,000.

2010-2015 University Enhancement Fellow, Michigan State University, East Lansing,

Michigan: $24,000 a/y.


2014 National Science Foundation (NSF) Alliance for Graduate Education and
Professoriate Award [2011, 2012, 2013], Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan: $2,000 a/y.

2013 Council of Graduate Students/Graduate School Disciplinary Leadership Award,

Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan: $1,500.

2009 NIH National Cancer Institute Diversity Research Supplement, Co-Primary

Investigator: Susan J. Shaw, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona,
National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC: $50,000.


2016 Instructor, ANP 370: Culture, Health, and Illness, Department of

Anthropology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

2011-2014 Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University,

East Lansing, Michigan.
Courses Assisted:
Anthropology 201: Sociocultural Diversity
Anthropology 204: Introduction to Medical Anthropology
Anthropology 220: Gender Relations in Comparative Perspective
Anthropology 270: Women and International Health
F. Richards
Curriculum Vitae

Anthropology 370: Culture, Health and Illness

Integrative Studies in Social Science 220: Time, Space and Change


Kinship Matters: Generativity and Spirituality among African American Grandmothers Raising
Grandchildren, paper to be presented at the Association of Anthropology and Gerontology
Conference: Culture, Commitment and Care Across the Life Course, Oxford, UK: June, 2017.

Lessons on Race, Power, and Privilege at Predominately White Institutions, roundtable

participant, American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis, MN: November 2016.

Mothering Again: Emotional Ambivalence and Kinship Matters Among Caregiving Older Adult
Women, paper presented for the American Anthropological Association in Denver, Colorado:
November, 2015.

Kinship Care: Ethnographic Encounters with Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren, paper

presented for the National Womens Studies Association in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: November,

If Not Us, Then Who? A Pilot Study of Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren in Detroit,
MI, paper presented for the Association of Anthropology and Gerontology Conference: Health
Disparities in Aging, Miami, Florida: February, 2015.

Ways of Knowing: The Struggle to Produce Anthropologists of Color, roundtable participant,

American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC: December, 2014.

Aging and Health: Chronic Illness Management Among African American Women In
Detroit, Michigan, poster presented for the American Anthropological Association, San
Francisco, California: November, 2012.

Navigating the Applied Terrain: Notes from an Anthropologist on Activism and Constructing a
Professional Identity, paper presented for the Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore,
Maryland: March, 2012.

The Racialization of Illness: Clinician Perceptions on the Role of Race and Ethnicity in Health
Disparities, paper presented for the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada: November, 2011.

The Analysis of Managed Care and Medicaid in the United States: An Anthropological
Contribution, paper presented for the 7th Annual Black Graduate Student Association Research
Symposium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI: January, 2011.

Cancer Screenings and Social Support: A Unique Trend among African American Men and
PSA, paper presented for the Moffitt Cancer Center Biennial Cancer, Culture, and Literacy
Conference on Methodological, Skills, and Innovations, Clearwater, FL: May, 2010.

Organized Panels and Roundtables:

F. Richards
Curriculum Vitae

Studying Through: Tips,Tools, and Strategies For Emerging Policy Scholars, Chair and Co-
organizer, American Anthropological Association, Denver, CO: November, 2015.

Redefining Insurance, Redefining Governance: U.S. Health Insurance Reform in Global

Perspective, Chair and Co-organizer, American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada: November, 2011.


Defining Disease: The Construction of Race and Ethnicity in the Doctor's Office, Public Lecture
Series, NSF-Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI; June, 2012.


2010 Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University,

East Lansing, Michigan. Principal Investigator, Linda M. Hunt, National
Institutes of Health Grant, "Clinician's Concepts of Racial/Ethnic Differences in
the Management Of Chronic Illness."

2009- 2011 Project Coordinator, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson,

Arizona. Principle Investigator, Susan J. Shaw, National Institutes of Health
Grant, "The Impact of Cultural Difference on Health Literacy and Chronic
Disease Outcomes."


In Progress Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop Series

In Progress College of Social Science Certification in College Teaching
In Progress Graduate Certification in Community Engagement
Fall 2015 National Womens Studies Association Women of Color Leadership Project
Summer 2015 MCUAAR Summer Training Workshop on African American Aging Research
Summer 2014 MCUAAAR-CSWE Summer Training Workshop on African American Aging
Summer 2013 NSF Summer Institute for Research Design in Cultural Anthropology


2013-2017 Graduate Representative, Association for the Anthropology of Policy

2012 Intern, Healthier Black Elders Center, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State
2011-2014 Contributing Editor, Cultural Anthropology (website)
2011-2012 President, Michigan State University Black Graduate Student Association
2011-2012 Graduate Representative, Michigan State University College of Social Science
Hearing Board
2011 Vice President, Michigan State University, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Student Association

American Anthropological Association, Society for Medical Anthropology, Association for the
F. Richards
Curriculum Vitae

Anthropology of Policy, Association of Black Anthropologists, Association for Anthropology

Gerontology, Gerontological Society of America

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