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My weekend was nice.

I attended an Art and wine festival and in the evening, dro ve an hour plus for a wake-keeping ceremony at a family friend's place. Headed home past 1 a.m and missed getting into an accident, Thank God. Th ere was this abandoned car, - presumably, it had been in an accident- on my lane, that I had just noticed. As soon as I saw it, my heart bea t accelerated, a sign that I had just missed being in a car accident. I stepped on my brakes, hoping that I caught it on time and then swerved to the left lane cautiously and drove off. My happiness: Thank God for preventing an accident on my way. My regrets? I should have called up the cops about this abandoned car, to prevent any accident. It was a close shave indeed. Himachal is a state in Northern India. It is spread over more than 51000 kms.and is bordered by the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.Himachal is known to be abundant in natural beauty Hi machal has many prestigious boarding schools.Due to the lot of rivers, Himachal also sells hydro electricity to other states such as Delhi, Pun jab and Rajasthan.The economy of the state is highly dependent on three sources: hydroelectric power, tourism and agriculture.The state is well known for its handicrafts. Pashmina shawl is one of the product which is highly in demand not in himachal but as well as all over India.Broadly Himachal experience three seasons; hot weather season, cold weather season and rainy season.The state has also areas like Dharamsala that receive ve ry heavy rainfall.

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