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Faction list for ChivalryII: Sicilian Vespers v3.

################################ ### DARKAGE ERA CAMPAIGN ### ################################

- Start date: 888 A.D. - 25 Playable Factions

FACTION: The Khazars (light blue) The Venetians (wine red) The Langobards (grey) The Italians (white) The Danes (bright yellow) The Berbers (grey) The Scots (dark blue) The Pechenegs (ochre) The Arabs (green) The West Franks (blue) The East Franks (yellow) The Anglo-Saxons (red) The Basques (white) The Poles (dark red) The Byzantine Empire (violet) The Armenians (beige) The Serbs (olive yellow) The Bulgars (black) The Moors (orange) The Rus (light blue) The Iberians (dark yellow) The Magyars (orange pink) The Burgundians (violet blue) The Catalans (orange pink) The Moravians (grey blue) Non-Playable Factions: The Papal States (white) ... The Rebels ...

RELIGION: judaism catholic catholic catholic pagan islam catholic pagan islam catholic catholic catholic catholic pagan orthodox orthodox orthodox orthodox islam pagan catholic pagan catholic catholic catholic


OFFICAL NAME: Khazar Khaganate Serenxima Repblica Vneta Principatus Beneventum Regnum Italicum Danmarkar Rki Amiraa al-Aghlabiyya Regnum Scoti Peenek Hanligi Khalifah al-Abbasiyun Regnum Francorum Occidentalis Regnum Francorum Orientalis Regnum Saxonum Occidentalis Regnum Navarrae Wojewdztwo Polanie Basileia ton Romaion Metz Hayk Velika upanija Raka Balgarsko Kanstvo Khalifah al-Umayyah Rhos Khaganate Regnum Asturorum Magyar Trzsek Regnum Burgundiae Comitatus Barcelona Velk Morava

NOTES: regions: 1 large prov west of Caspian Sea ... regions: 1 prov in sw-Italy (Neapel) ... regions: in Denmark, s-Sweden, e-England regions: Tunesia, Libya + most of Sicily ... regions: 4 provs in south Russian steps ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... regions: 1 prov nw of Krim at Black Sea coast ... ... regions: 4 provs btw. "East Franks" & "Poles"

catholic ... ... ...


Patrimonium Sancti Petri Regnum Lotharingiae Terrae Nullius Mexc

... ... ... ...

############################# ### EARLY ERA CAMPAIGN ### #############################

- Start date: 1080 A.D. - 23 Playable Factions

FACTION: The Venetians (wine red) The Sicilians (grey) The Genoese (white) The Danes (bright yellow) The Eqyptians (grey) The Scots (dark blue) The Cumans (ochre) The Turks (green) The French (blue) The Holy Roman Emp. (yellow) The English (red) The Portuguese (white) The Poles (dark red) The Byzantine Empire (violet) The Armenians (beige) The Serbians (olive yellow) The Bulgarians (black) The Moors (orange) The Russians (light blue) The Castilians (dark yellow) The Hungarians (orange pink) The Angevins (violet blue) The Catalans (orange pink) Non-Playable Factions: The Papal States (white) ... The Rebels ...

RELIGION: catholic catholic catholic catholic islam catholic pagan islam catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic orthodox orthodox orthodox orthodox islam orthodox catholic catholic catholic catholic


OFFICAL NAME: Serenxima Repblica Vneta Ducato di Apulia, Calabria, e Sicilia Compagna Communis Genuensis Regnum Dani Khalifah al-Fatimiyyun Regnum Scoti Kipak Hanligi Seluklular Saltanat Regnum Franci Sacrum Imperium Romanum Regnum Angli Condado de Portucale Regnum Poloni Basileia ton Romaion Principatus Armeni Velika upanija Raka Thema Paristrion Imaarah al-Murabitun Kyivskaya Velikiy Kniazhestvo Regnum Castili Regnum Hungari Comt d'Anjou Comtat de Barcelona

NOTES: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... regions: 1 prov (Angers, sw of Paris) ...

catholic ... ... ...


Patrimonium Sancti Petri Timuriyan Terrae Nullius Mexc

... ... ... ...

########################### ### HIGH ERA CAMPAIGN ### ###########################

- Start date: 1212 A.D. - 25 Playable Factions

FACTION: RELIGION: The Venetians (wine red) catholic The Sicilians (grey) catholic The Genoese (white) catholic The Danes (bright yellow) catholic The Eqyptians (grey) islam The Scots (dark blue) catholic The Cumans (ochre) pagan The Turks (green) islam The French (blue) catholic The Holy Roman Emp. (yellow) catholic The English (red) catholic The Portuguese (white) catholic The Poles (dark red) catholic The Byzantine Empire (violet) orthodox The Armenians (beige) orthodox The Serbians (olive yellow) orthodox The Bulgarians (black) orthodox The Moors (orange) islam The Russians (light blue) orthodox The Castilians (dark yellow) catholic The Hungarians (orange pink) catholic The Angevins (violet blue) catholic The Catalans (orange pink) catholic The Latins (grey blue) catholic The Kingd. of Jerusalem (white) catholic Non-Playable Factions: The Papal States (white) The Timurids (dark grey) The Rebels ...


OFFICAL NAME: Serenxima Repblica Vneta Regnum Sicili Compagna Communis Genuensis Regnum Dani Saltanat al-Ayyubiyyun Regnum Scoti Kipcak Hanligi Rum Seluklular Saltanat Regnum Franci Sacrum Imperium Romanum Regnum Angli Regnum Portugali Regnum Poloni Basileia ton Romaion Regnum Armeni Velika upanija Raka Regnum Vlachorum et Bulgarorum Khalifah al-Muwahhidun Vladimiro-Suzdalskoye Kniazhestvo Regnum Castili Regnum Hungari Comt d'Anjou Corona Aragon Imperium Romani Regnum Hierosolymitanum

NOTES: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... regions: center-provs lost to "Latins" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... regions: 1 prov (Angers, sw of Paris) ... regions: Byzanz and most of Greece reginos: 3 prov in w-Syria (but not Jerusalem)

catholic islam ... ...


Patrimonium Sancti Petri Khalifah al-Abbasiyun Terrae Nullius Mexc

... called "Mongols" on campaign map ... ...

########################### ### LATE ERA CAMPAIGN ### ###########################

- Start date: 1311 A.D. - 26 Playable Factions
- note: the only campaign not using "Custom Campaing", but the "Grand Campaign" menu-selection

FACTION: The Ilkhanate of Persia (d. grey) The Venetians (wine red) The Sicilians (grey) The Genoese (white) The Danes (bright yellow) The Mamluks (grey) The Scots (dark blue) The Golden Horde (ochre) The Turks (green) The French (blue) The Holy Roman Emp. (yellow) The English (red) The Portuguese (white) The Poles (dark red) The Byzantine Empire (violet) The Armenians (beige) The Serbians (olive yellow) The Bulgarians (black) The Moors (orange) The Russinas (light blue) The Castilians (dark yellow) The Hungarians (orange pink) The Angevins (violet blue) The Catalans (orange pink) The Latins (grey blue) The Crusaders (white) Non-Playable Factions: The Papal States (white) The Rebels ...

RELIGION: islam catholic catholic catholic catholic islam catholic islam islam catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic orthodox orthodox orthodox orthodox islam orthodox catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic


OFFICAL NAME: Khwarazm-Ilkhaniyan Serenxima Repblica Vneta Regnum Sicili Repblica di Genua Regnum Dani Saltanat al-Mamalik Regnum Scoti Altan Ordyn Uls Osmnli Beyligi Regnum Franci Sacrum Imperium Romanum Regnum Angli Regnum Portugali Regnum Poloni Basileia ton Romaion Regnum Armeni Srbsko Carstvo Regnum Vlachorum et Bulgarorum Saltanat al-Marniyn Vladimiro-Suzdalskoye Kniazhestvo Regnum Castili Regnum Hungari Regnum Neapolis Corona Aragon Principatus Achaiae Regnum Cypri

NOTES: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... regions: Southen Italy + Marseille ... regions: only Korinthos (in Greece) regions: only Cyprus

catholic ... ...

{PAPAL_STATES} Patrimonium Sancti Petri {SLAVE} Terrae Nullius {AZTECS} Mexc

... ... ...

#################################### ### RENAISSANCE ERA CAMPAIGN ### ####################################

- Start date: 1401 A.D. - 26 Playable Factions

FACTION: The Timurids (dark grey) The Venetians (wine red) The Sicilians (grey) The Genoese (white) The Danes (bright yellow) The Mamluks (grey) The Scots (dark blue) The Golden Horde (ochre) The Turks (green) The French (blue) The Holy Roman Emp. (yellow) The English (red) The Portugese (white) The Poles (dark red) The Byzantine Empire (violet) The Georgians (beige) The Serbians (olive yellow) The Vlachs (black) The Moors (orange) The Russians (light blue) The Castilians (dark yellow) The Hungarians (orange pink) The Angevins (violet blue) The Catalans (orange pink) The Latins (grey blue) The Crusaders (white) Non-Playable Factions: The Papal States (white) The Rebels ...

RELIGION: islam catholic catholic catholic catholic islam catholic pagan islam catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic orthodox orthodox orthodox orthodox islam orthodox catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic


OFFICAL NAME: Timuriyan Gurkani Serenxima Repblica Vneta Regnu di Sicilia Repblica di Genua Kalmarunionen Saltanat al-Mamalik Roghachd na Alba Altan Ordyn Uls Osmnli Imparatorlugu Royaume de France Sacrum Imperium Romanum Kingdom of England Reino de Portucale Krlestwo Polski i Litewskiego Basileia ton Romaion Sakartvelos Samepho Srbsko Carstvo Tara Romneasca Saltanat al-Marniyn Moskovskoe Velikiy Kniazhestvo Reino de Castilla y Len Magyar Kirlysg Regno di Napoli Corona d'Arag Principato di Achaia Royaume de Chypre

NOTES: called "Ilkhanate" on campaign map ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... =Rumanians; regions: 2 provinces in Rumania ... ... ... ... regions: Southen Italy + Marseille ... regions: only Korinthos (in Greece) regions:only Cyprus

catholic ... ...

{PAPAL_STATES} Patrimonium Sancti Petri {SLAVE} Terrae Nullius {AZTECS} Mexc

... ... ...

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