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LECTURE 3 Chapter 3: Enhancement in the spatial domain 3.

3 Histogram Processing Histogram h(rk ) = nk rk : kth gray level nk : number of pixels of gray level rk Normalization discrete PDF p(rk ) = nk /n n: total number of pixels
L1 X k=0

p(rk ) = 1

Histogram equalization: 3.3.1 Histogram specication: 3.3.2

3.3 Histogram Processing Examples

Lecture 3 (page 2)

3.3 Histogram Processing 3.3.1 Histogram Equalization

Lecture 3 (page 3)

First consider continuous functions and transformations of the form s = T (r), r [0, 1] and assume that (a) T (r) single-valued, monot. increasing for r [0, 1] (b) T (r) [0, 1] for r [0, 1] Inverse transformation r = T 1(s), s [0, 1] Why?

3.3 Histogram Processing View gray levels as random variables pr (r): continuous PDF of r ps(s): continuous PDF of s If T 1(s) satises condition (a) then

Lecture 3 (page 4)

dr ps(s) = pr (r) ds Consider the transformation function s = T (r) =


r 0

pr (w) dw

RHS is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of r, and satises conditions (a) and (b). From Leibnizs rule... ds dT (r) = dr dr d Z r = pr (w) dw dr 0 = pr (r) dr ps(s) = pr (r) ds 1 = pr (r) pr (r) = 1, s [0, 1]

3.3 Histogram Processing Thus for T (r) =


Lecture 3 (page 5)

r 0

pr (w) dw, ps(s) is always uniform

Now consider discrete values... Recall nk p(rk ) = , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1 n

The discrete version of s = T (r) = is sk = T (rk ) =

k X j=0 k X

r 0

pr (w) dw

pr (rj )

nj , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1 = j=0 n and is called histogram equalization NB: This will not produce a uniform histogram, but will tend to spread the histogram of the input image Advantages: Gray-level values cover entire scale (contrast enhancement) Fully automatic

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 6)

Example 3.3: Histogram equalization

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 7)

Example 3.3: Histogram equalization... Transformation functions

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 8)

3.3.2 Histogram Matching (Specication) Some applications: hist. equalization not best approach So, generate processed image with specied histogram Development of the method Again consider continuous gray levels r and z... pr (r): continuous PDF for input image Let s be a random variable where s = T (r) =

pz (z): specied (desired) cont. PDF for output image

r 0

pr (w) dw

and dene z as a random variable where G(z) = thus G(z) = T (r) and z = G1(s) = G1 [ T (r) ]

z 0

pz (t) dt = s,

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 9)

Procedure for continuous formulation (1) Obtain T (r) (2) Obtain G(z) (3) Obtain G1 (4) Pixels of input image T G1 Pixels of output image Seldom possible to obtain analytical expressions for T (r) and G1 Easier for discrete case, but only approximation for desired histogram Discrete formulation Recall histogram equalization... sk = T (rk ) = =
k X j=0 k X

pr (rj )

nj , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1 j=0 n

For histogram specication, we have vk = G(zk ) =

i=0 k X

pz (zi) = sk , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 10)

Discrete formulation for histogram specication sk = T (rk ) = =

k X k X


pr (rj )

nj , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1 j=0 n
k X

vk = G(zk ) =


pz (zi) = sk , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1

zk = G1 [ T (rk ) ] = G1 [ sk ], k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1 r0 r1 . . rL1 T s0 T s1 . . . . T sL1

z0 z1 . . zL1

G s0 = v0 G s1 = v1 . . . . G sL1 = vL1

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 11)

(1) Obtain histogram of given image; (2) Precompute: rk sk ; (3) Obtain G from given pz (z) (4) Precompute: sk zk . Use iterative scheme... Let zk = z for each k, where z is the smallest integer in the interval [0, L 1] so that (G() sk ) 0, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , L 1. z For k = k +1, start with z = zk and incr. in integer values (5) For each pixel, use (2) and (4): rk sk zk NB: None of the values of pz (zi) can be zero. Why?

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 12)

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 13)

Histogram specication: trial-and-error process

3.3 Histogram Processing 3.3.3 Local Enhancement

Lecture 3 (page 14)

Previous methods (3.3.1 and 3.3.2) were global Dene square or rectangular neighbourhood (mask) and move the center from pixel to pixel For each neighbourhood... Calculate histogram of the points in the neighbourhood Obtain histogram equalization/specication function Map gray level of pixel centered in neighbourhood Can use new pixel values and previous histogram to calculate next histogram Example 3.5: Enhancement using local histograms

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 15)

3.3.4 Use of Hist. Statistics for Image Enhancement The nth moment of r (discrete) about its mean is dened as n(r) =
L1 X i=0

(ri m)np(ri) rip(ri)

where m is the mean value of r: m=

L1 X i=0

Note that 0 = 1 and 1 = 0, and that 2 is the variance 2(r): 2(r) =

L1 X i=0

(ri m)2p(ri)

Mean: measure of average gray level Variance: measure of average contrast Let (x, y) be the coordinates of a pixel in an image, and Sxy denote a subimage centered at (x, y): mSxy =
2 Sxy (s,t)Sxy



rs,t mSxy p(rs,t)

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 16)

Example 3.6: Enhancement based on local statistics

g(x, y) =

E f (x, y) if mSxy [0, k0MG] AND Sxy [k1DG, k2DG] f (x, y) otherwise

MG: Global mean DG: Global standard deviation

3.3 Histogram Processing

Lecture 3 (page 17)

Example 3.6: Enhancement based on local statistics E = 4.0; k0 = 0.4; k1 = 0.02; k2 = 0.4; (33) local region

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