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The officer: Have your passport ready. Pregatiti-va pasaportul. The tourist: Here you have. Poftiti pasaportul. The officer: Where are you coming from? De unde veniti? The tourist: I come from Timisoara. Vin din Timisoara. The officer: What nationality are you? Nationalitatea dv.? The tourist: Romanian. Romana. The officer: Where are you going? Unde doriti sa mergeti? The tourist: I am going to Austria. Merg in Austria. The officer: How long do you plan to stay there? Cat veti sta acolo? The tourist: Just 10 days. Doar 10 zile. The officer: Is this all your luggage? Acestea sunt toate bagajele dumneavoastra? The tourist: I have also a trunk in the luggage van. Mai am un cufar la vagonul de bagaje. The officer: Do you have anything else to declare? Aveti altceva de declarat? The tourist: No, sir. Nu, domnule. The officer: Have you got any foreign currency about you? Aveti valuta asupra dumneavoastra? The tourist: Only a few euros.. Doar cativa euro.. The officer: What have you got in this suitcase? Ce aveti in acest geamantan? The tourist: Only articles of clothing. Doar articole de imbracaminte. The officer: Shall I open it? Sa il deschid? The tourist: Please. Va rog. The officer: It's ok. You can pass on. Este in regula. Puteti trece mai departe.

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