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Archetypal Theory Carl Jung (1875-1961) o Jung and Freud were very good friends o This changed when

Jung published Psychology of the Unconscious Archetype o An archetype is a universal theme found, according to Jung in dreakm, myths, religions and work of art o They are connected, Jung theorized, to past history and an alleged collective unconscious found in all people o Archetypes are unconscious The five Archetypes o The Self: the regulating centre of the psyche and facilitator of individuation o The Shadow: the opposite of the ego image, often containing qualities that the ego does not identify with but possesses nonetheless o The Anima: the feminine image in a man s psyche o The Animus: the masculine image in a woman s psyche o The Persona: the way we present to a world--- a mask which protects the ego from negative images Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) o Developed the idea of the monomyth or myth The Myth of the Hero o Heroes, which are archetypes and manifestations of the collective unconscious, play an important role in Jungian thought o Most heroes, especially those found in the mass media, generally don t succumb to the sin of pride; they usually survive to fight endless waves of villains who keep appearing with incredible regularity

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